chapter twenty-one

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You felt like you were floating.

Your body felt light, like you weighed absolutely nothing.

"Don't be mad if I die, alright?"


"Make sure you open our tea shop."

Your heart clenched inside your chest.

"I love you."

You shot up, your hand clutching your chest as you forced yourself to breathe.

That was Levi's voice. He wasn't here, but it was definitely him. You looked at your surroundings, vaguely remembering getting thrown to the ground by a Titan.

You felt something on your ring finger, and when you looked down, your heart shattered.

Levi's ring.

He left.

He left to go after Zeke. You replayed his words inside your head, trying to get a grip on what was happening.

"Don't be mad if I die, alright?"

A sob broke from your lips as you clutched his ring in your hand. "Levi," you croaked out, his name the only thing you could think of to say.

Hot tears streamed down your cheeks as you brought the hand that was holding his ring to your heart. You held it there, your sobs filling the silence around you.

After a few moments, you looked up with newfound determination. He was still alive. You were sure of it.

You stood, ignoring the pounding feeling inside your head. Steam was still billowing up from the trees. You stood at the edge of the tree branch and looked at the massacre you and Levi had made.

There were Titan bodies everywhere, some of them still evaporating. You could see wrecked supplies - hammocks, crates, barrels - spread out among the corpses.

You turned around and grabbed Levi's cape, tying it around your shoulders. You checked over your gear, and once you determined that everything was fine, you leapt off the branch and headed in the direction that Zeke ran off in.

The sun was just beginning to set, painting the trees in an orange glow. Wind stung your face as you moved faster than you never had before. You were determined to find Levi. He was alive - you just knew it.

After a while of flying through the trees, you decided that you had to come up with a plan.

Well, he was guarding Zeke. If Zeke's not here, then Levi probably incapacitated him and has the stupid blond man with him, wherever he went. He would've knocked out Zeke or at least chopped off his arms and legs so that he couldn't do anything - so carrying Zeke would be hard. Horses? Maybe they used horses.

You twisted Levi's ring anxiously around your finger.

Alright. Well, keeping Zeke upright on a horse would be a pain, so maybe Levi used a cart. And if he used a cart... yes. There'd be tracks.

"Cart tracks," you said aloud, tipping your head down to study the ground.

It took you a minute, but you found them. The tracks were dig deep into the dirt - definitely a cart. And it was headed out of the forest.

Your head swirled in relief. Hopefully, he was uninjured. And at least you know he made it out. You weaved through the trees, following the cart tracks as they navigated through the forest. Eventually, you reached the tree line, and the cart tracks continued on. You had no idea what direction Levi was headed in, but you knew that you had to follow it.

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