chapter twenty-six

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The sun rose, its blinding light waking you up.

Connie helped you hobble over to one of the carts before going back to Levi and helping him, too. Levi woke up, but when he nestled into a spot in the cart, his head resting on your lap, he fell back asleep almost immediately.

Jean hopped up into the other cart after. You looked at him and smiled hopefully. When he gave you a crooked smile back, you knew that he'd be okay. Reiner and Annie sat in their own separate corners of their cart next, and you placed a protective hand on Levi's chest as you looked at them from the corner of your eye. It looked like Jean and Reiner were being civil with each other, which you were grateful for. It would've been painfully awkward for them otherwise.

Falco led Gabi to their own little corner of the cart. Falco gave you an adorable little smile from the cart when he saw your face. You turned back to Jean.

"You okay?" you asked, a little louder than your normal voice.

He nodded. "I'm fine. You?"

"I'll be good for when you need my help."

Yelena, Onyankopon, Magath and Hange all boarded the cart you and Levi were on. Hange came to sit in front of you, and you smiled when you realised it was for your own peace of mind.

The cart you were on jerked forward. It was silent for a few long moments, the only sound being the cart wheels across the ground. It was a bumpy ride, and you were just hoping that Levi wouldn't wake up. He looked so peaceful when he slept. You smiled softly down at him.

"Gabi," you heard Jean say. "Sorry for kicking you. Are you okay?"

You looked up at him. He sounded so sincere, so guilty.

"Yeah, it's okay. I'm fine," Gabi assured, but you didn't miss the way her fingernails were pinching into her sleeve.

Jean sighed, and it sounded a lot like relief. "Reiner. I'm not apologising to you."

"Yeah... That's fine."

Even though Jean said that he was fine before, you knew that was far from the truth. He was still hurting, still mourning the loss of one of his best friends.

You cleared your throat. He looked at you, and the bags under his eyes seemed much more prominent. You smiled comfortingly at him, silently conveying your support. He nodded, then leaned his head on the back of the cart.

Your eyes suddenly felt very heavy again. Hange said something about this trip being around five hours long, so you figured it would be okay for you to get some sleep. But before you could, you heard the thundering footsteps of the Cart Titan approaching.

Pieck emerged from her Titan, her eyes wide and her words hurried. "It's the port. It's occupied by the Jaegerists. They must've used a locomotive. There's a bunch of soldiers with Anti-Titan gear on standby."

You sighed. Your body and mind were exhausted, and all you wanted to do was cuddle up to Levi and sleep. Hange turned to you and handed you a spare cloak. You smiled at her and gently moved Levi's head from your lap. Thankfully, he didn't wake up, so you placed the cloak underneath you to act as a pillow.

Your back was pressed against the wall of the cart. Somehow, you knew that even in Levi's deepest sleep, you'd be safe. He'd always find a way to protect you.

Hange placed a cloak over you to act as a blanket. Since you and Levi were both covered with blankets, you placed your hand on his chest, smiling when you felt his precious heartbeat beneath your palm. You snuggled in close, pressing your forehead against his arm.

With your husband's heartbeat beneath your fingertips, you fell asleep.


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