chapter three

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When you awoke, you didn't fail to notice the lack of body heat next to you. Your eyes opened slowly, and you reached out, your palm resting on his side of the bed.

You sighed and retracted your hand back into your chest, curling in on yourself to provide yourself with warmth you so desperately needed.

How could he just leave?

After everything you did for him last night, how could he just go? But, when you thought about it, you really didn't expect anything less. He was always going to go back to work in the end. He had a promise to keep, and you would support him. You knew it was important to him, anyway. And you wanted him to know that you were there for him no matter what.

You rolled onto your back and stared up at the ceiling. The sun was starting to peak in through the windows, and you guessed it was around lunchtime. You and Levi had slept for a majority of the morning, but, you didn't care; he needed it.

As your thoughts started to spiral, you heard the clanking of pots and pans downstairs in the kitchen.

You shot up into a seated position and your eyes widened in realisation.

He's here...

With a grin on your face, you ambled out of bed and into your bathroom and got ready for the day, some traces of shock still there, but most of it being overtook by happiness. You threw on one of Levi's shirts and, with a deep breath, headed downstairs.

Your footsteps were almost silent, and the noise in the kitchen started to get louder as you neared the door.

You didn't know why you were so excited. But, you figured it had something to do with the fact that you and Levi hadn't spent the morning together in so long. He was normally at work by the time you woke up and, the only time you got with him was when he came back from work late at night. Even then, all he would do was hold you close and place a kiss somewhere on your body, and your heart would melt every time; you knew he still cared.

Finally, your footsteps stopped as soon and you entered the kitchen. Levi's back was facing you, and you saw that he was... cooking something.

It was just then that the aroma of baked goods filled your nose, and you stared at the back of his head in shock. Confusion filled you, because you hadn't actually expected him to be here. The happiness you felt this morning was quickly being replace by surprise.

As if sensing your presence, Levi turned around. A small smile twitched at his lips as he noticed you.

He stopped what he was doing and walked over to you, taking you in his arms and staring down at you lovingly.

"Good morning, my beautiful girl," he whispered as he cupped your cheek in his hand and kissed you softly. "How did my girl sleep?"

You were so shocked that he was actually here that your mind couldn't form coherent words. And it was only when Levi nudged his nose against yours that you decided to speak.

"Oh... Good... I-I slept... good."

Levi chuckled lowly at your shocked face and squeezed you against his chest.

"That's good." He pressed a kiss to your neck, your jaw, your cheek and your lips.

You wrapped your arms around his neck, savouring the feeling of his lips against your skin. He was shirtless, only wearing a pair of gray sweatpants, and the feeling of his bare skin against your fingertips made you practically melt in his arms.

Levi pulled back to look at you, as if remembering something. "I made you breakfast." He looked at the clock on the wall and frowned slightly. "Well... lunch?"

That Heart Of Gold | Levi X Reader Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat