●The Café & The Mean Woman●

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Taehyun sighed as he inserted the key into the keyhole of the café's transparent door. The smell of the shop not being opened for hours, hit him. 

He heard a few grumbling sounds from his back, he turned around to find Soobin having Kai in a headlock.

Taehyun sighed, shaking his head. "Why do you have him in a headlock?" 

Soobin let go of the younger, who choked, dramatically, falling onto the floor. "No reason. He was annoying me." 

Taehyun snorted, turning all the extra lights (despite it being the day time). "Don't you think that we normalize killing each other, a bit too much?" 

Soobin shook his head. "Not if you have useless friends." 

Taehyun squinted his eyes towards the blonde-haired. "Am I included?" 

Soobin frowned. "Why wouldn't you be?"

"You're staying behind for the cleaning duty." Taehyun announced. Soobin could hear the evil laughter of Kai, coming from the staff room. 

"Fuck." The tallest groaned, ruffling his hair in frustration. 

If anything in this world, other than mint-chocolate, Soobin hated cleaning. I mean, come on! He just wanted to lay in his bed to play video games and have late-night calls with his boyfriend, and not to spend this time in this stupid cleaning duty rule that Taehyun had established on the day, they had launched their new café. 

"I hate you." Soobin grumbled as he tied the pale brown apron around his waist. 

Taehyun smiled from behind the counter. "The feeling's mutual, babe." 

"Ew." Soobin scrunched his face, setting the tissue boxes, properly on the table. 

Taehyun gasped. "How dare you-"


"This service is horrible!" A woman, shouted in the middle of the day, gathering the attention of the crowd in the café. 

Kai turned his head from the counter, tilting his head at the sudden noise. He excused himself from the line of the customers, who were waiting to pay, calling one of the staffs members to handle it. 

"May I help you, ma'am?" Kai politely asked, eyeing the woman. She seemed to be in her late-twenties, she had a black haired-bob cut and looked very expensive. She wore a black 'Chanel' dress with high heels, which clanked onto the wooden floor of the café, whenever she walked. She paired the dress with black sunglasses, despite being in a shop, which Kai thought was funny. 

"My coffee isn't how I like it!" The woman, complained, groaning at the confused expression of Kai. 

"Listen here," The woman, squinted her eyes at the name tag, which Kai had worn on his apron. "Kai-sii. My coffee has three sugar cubes instead of six." 

Kai judged the woman. 'Six?! This woman is insane.' He thought. 

Kai quickly cleared his throat, noticing that he had been quiet for too long and that how the woman was waiting for him to speak up. "Well then, ma'am, you should have classified about how many sugar cubes you want in your coffee. We can't be expected to know that." 

The woman placed a hand on her chest, offended. "So disrespectful." 

Kai lightly scoffed. "As if she isn't being the meanest bitch in the world." He muttered under his breath which thankfully, went unnoticed by the bob-cut haired. 

"I need to talk to your manager. Right now." She announced, crossing her arms over her chest. 

Kai rolled his eyes, not appreciating this. "Yes, ma'am." 

The woman shook her head. "So disrespectful." She said as she saw Kai walk away. 

"As if you weren't, Bomi." Her friend rolled her eyes as she sipped on her tea. 

Minutes later, a bored Taehyun came out of the staff room, wiping his hands on the apron as he motioned the crowd to continue to mind their own businesses. 

"Yes, ma'am, how may I help you?" Taehyun asked as he folded his hands behind his back. 

"Well, your food isn't good enough." Bomi replied, slightly caught off-guard due to how good the manager looked. 

Taehyun raised his eyebrows. "Excuse me?" 

Bomi nodded. "I got three sugar cubes instead of six and your staff is being very disrespectful about it." She said as she pointed a finger at Kai, who rolled his eyes, again. 

"Kai?" Taehyun turned to look over to Kai, who whispered about what happened in his ear. 

Taehyun chuckled when he heard about the entire thing. He turned around towards the woman. "I mean, you're entirely in the fault here, ma'am." 

The woman gasped, "How?!" 

Taehyun cleared his throat, rolling up his white-shirt till his forearms. "Let me explain. All of the customers, here, specify about how they like their coffee and we do it for them, according to their requests. But, you just ordered our less sweet caramel macchiato. You even specified it that you wanted low sugar." 

Bomi suddenly felt small upon realizing that the taller was right. "I did not say that-" 

Taehyun interrupted her. "Sorry to interrupt, ma'am, but we have CCTV cameras, which record audios as well." He smirked as the flustered expression of the shorter. "Do you wish to see it to settle everything down?" 

Bomi huffed. "No thanks, I do not wish to stay in this horrible place, any longer. I'll make sure to leave a bad review on this place." She said as she picked up her purse, grabbing her friend's arm, who whined about not finishing her pastry. 

Taehyun, lightly clapped. "Don't forget to pay!" He shouted behind the woman, who immediately walked towards the counter. 

"All handled." Taehyun dusted his hands before giving a high-five to Kai, who was tackled into a headlock, again, by Soobin, who popped out of nowhere. 

"Hyung," Kai whined. "Leave me alone!" 

Taehyun laughed at the interaction, noticing the glow on Soobin's face. "You seem happy, hyung. What made you change your mood? You seemed quite grumpy in the morning." 

Soobin let go of Kai and went over to Taehyun to grab his hands before spinning the short, black-haired, around, making Taehyun dizzy. 

"Woah, hyung!" Taehyun looked towards the very-happy Soobin. 

"My love is coming back from Japan!" Soobin cheered, giving a kiss to his lock screen, which was Yeonjun, who was posing with a pink cotton candy in front of a ride at the amusement park. 

Taehyun and Kai smiled. "That's great, hyung! We haven't seen Yeonjun hyung in what? five years?" 

Soobin nodded. "They'll be back in a week! I'm so excited!" He said as he hopped towards the café's kitchen. 

Kai laughed, but the words settled in his head. "They...? Does that mean that Yeonjun hyung is coming back with him?" 

Taehyun stared at Kai for a few seconds before widening his eyes.


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