Twenty one

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G-Dragons POV...

These past  days Ji-Young have been trying to get in Jeongsuk's good side because no one wants to get into his bad side.

He have been searching and trying his best to find away to prove to Hyunjin that Minji is a pathetic bitch.

He knows what he did was and IS wrong, firstly he fabricated a DNA test, took a child away from its biological parent and this leads to mafia war.

And the worst part is its not with any useless or unimportant Mafia, its the Higher Ups and the Hwang's.

He was worried to his guts.

Now he is sat in his office thinking about a way to prove Minji wrong when he got a call from Jeongsuk. Jeongsuk asked him to have a meeting at the Lee Coorperation to discus the things going on.


"Look who we have here" Sighed Jeongsuk pathetically when he saw Jiyoung. He sat in front of him. "Yes sir" said Jiyoung. "Tell me everything form A-Z" sighed Jeongsuka she drank his red wine.

"First of all I'm sorry I'm so so-" cut him of Jeongsuk "awh, stop your asking me have more sympathy for you".

"Hyunjin me and him well our gangs aren't enemy's more than me and him resent each other to the guts.. i kidnapped Sam ever since i found out about him.. Minji she got mad when she found out about them and contacted me saying that both me and her will team up, so she gets hyunjin for herself, the thing was that both of us will get benefits,

 she will get hyunjin and ill get a heir easy.. but then she started giving bigger plans ever since we fabricated the test she once said we get his house under attack and say Jhiye did so and like that.. s-she has a son and she told hyunjin that its his but its not. So she hit him and he did a accident..

 she told me to search for a medicine or more likely a drug that makes you forget the past and I think she is using it on Hyunjin. And she separated their gang SKZ and took his butler and threw him away and also his best friend Minho" said Jiyoung as he was fidgeting his finger.

Jeongsuk sighed as he rubbed his tempels, "your fixing all of this drama you made and if you didn't you'll get on my bad list and you'll be the very first name at the top" Declared Jeongsuk as he got up and straightened his suit as the guards open the door and he left. "Toodles" waved Jeongsuk smirking.

Hyunjin's POV...

Hyunjin was sitting in his office brushing his fingers threw his hair he was so stressed. He had lots of work and Minji have been a pain in the ass, memories of that boy rushed back to his head he groaned in frustration as he pulled his hair.

His head hurted like hell.

He thought about it only two things that have been stoping film from countinuing his work and focus, Who is that boy? And who is that woman? And why, do they get him so worked up?

He stood up from his desk as he left the room he thought about his fiancé as he was going to her to ask her.

"Hey babe!" Said MInji as she threw her brand new Chanel bag she forced Hyunjin to get her as she went towards him, he sighed and looked at the bag on the floor.

"Hey" hyunjin as he stood there as she went to him and kissed his cheeks. Hyunjin flinched slightly as he didn't like what she just did. "Babee~ Dior launched thi-" "later" he sighed as he knew she want him to get it for her.

"I need to ask you a couple of things and answer me honestly" he sighed as he sat on his sofa. "About what?" She said annoyed. "You lying to me?" Said Hyunjin as she gave him a irritated look.

"Chan Hyungs sister, and her son. What are they to me, why do i feel so conected to them why do i feel i know them why do these voices adn memories of the boy have been running around my mind of me and him!" He said in a loud tone.

Minji sat there and looked at him gulping. "Um" she said. "H-have you been taking your medication?" Said Minji. He sighed as he put his leg on top of the other leg. "Look at you being pitiful" he mumbled under his breath.

"Dad I'm home!" Said  a voice and came running in which indicated to hyunjin that Jiheon is back home. "Hey ji" Smiled hyunjin but then frowned when Minji went towards the boy glaring at him,

"Why didn't you knock the door?" She said venom in her tone. "I-I'm sorry" he said as he looked down. "To your room now!!" She declared. The kid nodded and ran to this room. "MINJI!" Said Hyunjin adn stood up and  looked at her shocke "why did you do this to him he's just a child!" Said Hyunjin. "A useless one" she mumbled under her breath a s hyunjin dashed outside the room to Jiheon.

Jhiye's POV...

Jhiye was walking into the streets, trust me being  already 3 months into pregnancy isn't easy, she have been getting motion and morning sickness ever since.

It have been hard for her since she doesn't have Hyunjin with her well she has her brothers, but these three are just ina  different dimension, and she has Sam and his hugs and comfort and kisses, But nothing can replace hyunjin's hug kissing and cuddles.

She missed him so much but she couldn't do anything only to pray for things to get better, who knows maybe them separating is better for them, for her, Sam, Hyunjin, and thier baby girl.

She was walking when someone bumped into her. "Im sorry are you okay?!" Said Jhiye softly as she looked at the person her hair dangling beside her, "yea!" Said the girl as she looked up as both their eyes widen. "Yuri!!" "Jhiye!!" Said both the girls the same time as they squealed and hugged each other.

"Oh my god!" Said Yuri as she saw Jhiyes pregnant belly. "Jhiye you have allot to recap on!" Said Yuri. "I know!" Said Jhiye and hugged her.

"So your telling me all that shit happened to you?" Asked her Yuri shocked as Jhiye nodded. "Bro my life is complicated!" Said Jhiye. "Tell me about it" Said Yuri as she slurped her drink shaking her head.

Word count: 1134

Okay I'm back I updated it i really don't know why i had no motivation tbh😭

Well yup Yuri is back the same girl that was shaking her ass on the dance floor in the first chapter is here✨

Any guesses about what will happen? And do you like me leaving you all Willy Nilly😛

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