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After 3 days

Jhiye's POV...

Jhiye was sitting in her office thinking about Sam , what is going on with him, is he okay, is Hyunjin treating him well, did he go to school, when will he want to go back to her, she was thinking over and over again about Sam until she got an idea. "Hello, yes hello Mrs. Choi, did Sam come to school today and she said yes, she waited until it turned one o'clock and then she left to Sam's school she went in to see hyunjin already there to pick up Sam. 

She felt disappointed at her self. "daddy!!" Said Hyunjin running towards Hyunjin as he picked him up and Sam started giggling. "Hi Sammie" said Hyunjin smiling at Sam warmly.

 and Sam left the school as Jhiye was following them from behind, she felt Jealous, yes she feels Jealous from Hyunjin how Sam is so close with him and not even thinking about her, but after all it was wrong for her to separate a father from his son.

Hyunjin's pov..

Hyunjin picked Sam up from school and went with him to the park, he noticed a long time ago Jhiye walking a bit far away from them, he didn't know what to do, he really wanted Sam to make up with Jhiye,

"Sammie baby stay here for a minute" said Hyunjin as Sam Nodded. Hyunjin looked faced where Jhiye was walking and went forward towards her smirking. "Don't run away" said Hyunjin as he was now beside Jhiye holding her wrist to prevent her from running away.

 "Let me go hwang go to Sam he might get lost again" said Jhiye looking at Sam then looking at hyunjin. Hyunjin didn't answer her he just held her wrist and started dragging her towards Sam, "yah what are you doing let me go" said Jhiye. "Sam" said Hyunjin as he was now beside Sam. 

"Da- Mommy?" Said Sam. "Hi Sammie" said Jhiye. "Sam" said Hyunjin as he went down to Sam's eye level, "baby i know that you want your mommy, don't act all grown up and mad Sammie, go cry and hug her Sam I know you want it." Said Hyunjin, as Sam looked at him the tears he has been hiding slowly filling his eyes. 

"Mommy" said Sam and hugged Jhiye crying. "I was scared mommy, you left me alone, you didn't stop me from going out, you didn't tell me Sam stay don't go back home, you didn't tell me Sam no someone will take you, i was scared this man just take me when i was walking outside and and I don't know where is mommy, you didn't tell me that i have a daddy, why mommy" said Sam crying. "Sammie I'm sorry" said Jhiye as she picked him up.

Hyunjin smiled looking at Sam, he felt that he need to get going, he felt that he should leave them alone for their own safety he felt he needs to leave, leave these two innocent people alone from his life, away from his problems away from everything that goes on into his life, he carefully starts leaving after looking at Jhiye with a last goodbye look. Sam was gonna go towards Hyunjin as Jhiye held him, "m-mommy, daddy!! Daddy he's leaving, mommy i want daddy, daddy please don't go daddy!!" Said Sam crying.

Hyunjin's heart shattered knowing that Sam dosent want him to leave, his heart telling him to run towards his child and put him in his embarcre, and his brain telling him it would be better, telling him his heat will be broken if his loved ones got hurt, him knowing that he will separate a child from his mother, he wont want the child running between two parents and all of these things, he felt like a coward that couldn't keep his own family.

7:00 PM

Hyunjin was sitting in his house in Sam's room looking at the places he was playing at, remembering him and Sam running around in this place playing with the bears, watching TV and so on.

All of his Staff were off duty today he came back in sad not wanting the staff to look at him like that so he gave them all a day off, the suddenly the bell rang. Hyunjin grounded in frustration as he left Sam's room, he went down stairs and opened the door to see Jhiye and Sam

"W-what" said Hyunjin shocked. "What don't you want your son" said Jhiye smiling, "were staying here hwang were not leaving" said Jhiye, "y-you are staying to" said Hyunjin. "Yes hwnag" Said Jhiye. "Daddy!" Said Sam as he hugged Hyunjin. "Baby" said Hyunjin as he hugged him trying his best not to cry. As Jhiye went towards them both and ruffled both Sam and Hyunjin's hair. "Please don't ever leave me again" said Hyunjin looking at both of them as if both of them are his treasure.

"Daddy daddy can we show mommy my room!" Said Sam as Hyunjin smiled at Sam and nodded as he stood from crouching down the floor.

As Sam was already running to his way to the elevator, "he already did memorized the house" said Jhiye as they were following him, "i guess so" said Hyunjin smiling, "thank you Jhiye" said Hyunjin as Jhiye looked at him confused, "for bringing Sam here and and also you decided to stay here to" said Hyunjin. "It's okay hwang after all it was wrong for me to separate you both" said Jhiye. "Mommy daddy fast" said Sam from the very end of the corridor. "Coming!" Said Hyunjin as they both went to the elevator.

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