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"Hello, Hyunjin?" Said Lee Jisang.

"Oh yes hello, please inform your sister that I found Sam" said Hyunjin as Jisung sighed in relief.

"Thank you hwang, thank you, where are you" said Jisung.

"well Sam got hurt and he is in the hospital right now, he was on the verge of dying and have a wound like a stab in his cheats beside his heart so he needs to get a surgery" said Hyunjin as the other line was all quiet.

"W-what" said Jhiye.

"Which hospital are you in I'm coming" said Jhiye crying.

"You can't come here" said Hyunjin. "It's a restricted area, only for mafia business it's dangerous" said Hyunjin, " Sam wants to talk to you" said Hyunjin as he went in and gave the phone to Sam.

"S-Sammie" said Jhiye as Sam stayed quiet.

"Sam baby are you okay Sammie?" Said Jhiye just to be ignored by Sam.

"Sam answer your mommy" said Hyunjin as Sam looked up at him tears filling his eyes.

"I don't want talk to her" said Sam sniffling.

"Sam she is your mo-"

"I SAID I DONT WANT TO TALK TO HER" Shouted Sam which lead his wound to bleed and his heart started aching.

"Sam!, Jisang ill cal you later" said Hyunjin as he ended the call and put his hand on Sam's wound to stop the bleeding.

"Felix call the nurse" said Hyunjin as Felix ran to call them.

"D-daddy it hurts" said Sam tears streaming down his cheeks.

"It's okay"

"What happened" said the nurse as she came rushing inside.

"He shouted, the the wound started bleeding and he said his hearts hurts" said Hyunjin.

"We gotta transfer him to the operating theatre now" said The nurse as Hyunjin nodded and she ran to call the doctors.

"Sam, you gotta go with this ajuma and the doctors" said Hyunjinas he was looking at Sam.

"I-I'm scared" said Sam Looking at Hyunjin as more blood gushed out of the wound as hyunjin pressed down on it.

"Sammie please you need to go" said Hyunjin as he cupped Sam's face with his other hand.

Nurses came in and put Sam on a stretcher and started pushing it towards the operation room

"D-daddy" said Sam crying as the nurses stopped hyunjin from going in with Sam as they took him in and the doors shut as they went further into the operation room.Hyunjin looked down into his hands which were bloody, he wiped his hands on his shirt but the blood was a lot he went washed his hands and as he left the toilet he saw all of the 7 stray kids members.

"You have a lot to explain hwang" said Minho his hands crossed.

"Hyung I'm not in the mood" said Hyunjin as he continued walking further as he stood in front of the operation theater as he make his back hit the wall as he slowly slides down and sit there staring at the door.

"What happened" asked Chan Felix as all of the 7 guys went a bit far away from hyunjin.

"The kid, his name is Sam, he is Hyunjin's Fucking biological child" whispered Felix.

"Eh" said all the boys except Chan and Seungmin.

"No way it's not true" said Changbin shocked.

"It's true hyung articles are everywhere, and I searched it up, his name is Sameul, he is three his Mom is the designer Lee Jhiye and his uncle is the CEO of Lee Corporation Lee Jisang, and it was also written that Hyunjin is his dad" said Seungmin.

"So You're My Dad?" || Hwang Hyunjin FFМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя