I have loved you since... - Ronnie

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Sorry, I've been really busy! I have like 4-6 other requests at the moment

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Sorry, I've been really busy! I have like 4-6 other requests at the moment. So I am no longer taking requests until they are all finished! x

Requested by @Aries-Diamond

Which Kray: Ronnie.

About: Idea 6 'I have loved you since, we pretend to get married in primary school'.

Extra details: None.

Trigger warnings: Swearing.

We have quite a lot of Ronnie lover but don't worry Reggie imagines are coming.

Y/n's POV:

I have a confession.

I have a crush on Ronnie Kray.

We only talked to each other like two or three times but in that time we got married.

No! Not like married married. But like school married.

Let me explain. In primary school, when we were nine years old. We decided to get married and we had our wedding on the school field.

And then a week later, he asked for a divorce. And I was heartbroken. Ok! I know it wasn't real but like I had liked him, since we were seven years old and I was young, so yeah...

But my crush on him as got stronger and stronger but I know he doesn't like me. I mean why would he? He's a bad boy now and I'm a nerd. We are not even on the same level for goodness sake. So he will never know that I have a crush on him.

Ronnie's POV:

People see me as cold person who can't love but I can love because I love Y/n Y/l/n.

His eyes are like angels (more like the devil's but...) but his heart is cold...

No need to ask, he's a smooth operator...

When we were nine, we pretend to get married. But I want to marry her for real. But I can never go up to her. I don't know why. I just can't. She gives me butterflies and I never get butterflies. Usually, I'm so confident but with her... She makes me nervous. Oh so nervous.

Y/n's POV:

I was sat in the pub and all of a sudden, Ronnie walked in. God, he's so handsome...

I saw him look right at me and I blushed so much. Then he started to walk in the direction. Shit!

"Hi Y/n," he said. "Hey Ronnie," I said back nervously. "I was wondering if u wanted to go on a date with me?" He asked. What?! Ronnie Kray is asking me on a date! "Yes," I said having to choke it out. "That's good. I'll pick you up at seven," he said smiling at me. I smiled back and said "Ok, see you there."

Time skip...

Our date went so well.

"I've wanted to ask you this since we were nine. Will you be my bird?" He asked. What!? Ronnie Kray wants me to be his girlfriend. He likes me!

"Yes, Ron. I'd love too be your girlfriend." I said smiling from ear to ear. He smiled back and kissed me on the lips. And I kissed back.

I've wanted this for so long and now it has finally happened...

Word count: 518

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