Why don't you love me Dad? - Ronnie

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Requested by @Devilwolf154 .

Which Kray: Ronnie.

About: Y/n Ronnie's daughter thinking he doesn't love and that he hates her. Which is the polar opposite. He isn't always there, Paranoid Schizophrenia episodes sometimes and he comes with wounds a lot of the time. One night Ronnie shouts at her saying something and hits her which he ending up regretting and Y/n comes running to her Uncle Reggie.

Y/n's age: 15 years old.

Set in: 1964.

Extra details: Y/n's mum died during child birth.

Trigger warnings: Shouting, swearing, hitting, Paranoid Schizophrenia episode and crying.

A/n: Sorry this took forever!

Y/n's POV:

I finished cooking mine and my dad's dinner, when I heard a loud sound coming from the living room. I walked into the living room holding mine and my dad's plates in my hands. To see my Dad had punched a hole in the wall. I put our plates of food down on the table and went over to my Dad. "Dad you alright?" I asked. "Of course, I am!" He shouted it made me jump a little. "Calm down Dad, let me see your hand and then we can eat dinner, alright?" "NO!" He threw both our plates against the wall. "DAD!" "WHAT!" He screamed throwing things and breaking things. "Dad calm down," I said grabbing my Dad's arm. He pushed me off.  "NO! YOU KNOW WHEN I SAW HER DEAD IN THAT BED! I THOUGHT, HOW COULD I RAISE THIS LITTLE BITCH ON MY OWN! THIS HAPPY LITTLE BITCH WHO KEEPS RUINING MY LIFE! IT'S YOU! IT'S ALL YOU Y/N! YOU KILLED YOUR MOTHER! YOU HEAR ME! YOU KILLED HER AND NOW YOU'RE KILLING ME!" He shouted he looked insane.

Tears started to fall from my eyes. "Come on, Dad. You don't mean that." "No, I do you hate me and my friend Jim!" "Who's Jim?" I asked. "None of your business!" He said as he grabbed a drink as I tried to take the bottle of him. I felt a sting on my check, he hit me. He actually hit me...

I ran out of the house and ran all the way to my Uncle Reggie's house. I knocked on the door. "WHO IS FUCKING KNOCKING ON MY DOOR AT THIS BLOODY TIME!?!" I heard my Uncle scream. He opened the door looking pissed. Then he saw me and his face changed into a soft expression. "What you doing here at this time Love? Come in." I walked in and sat on the sofa. My Uncle sat next to me "What happened?" I cried harder. "He did it again, didn't he?" "Yes and he hit me." "WHAT!?!" He shouted and ran out the house.

Next day...

I heard a knock at the door, so I went and opened to see my Dad looking beaten up. "Dad?" I said touching his face. I started to cry "I didn't mean for this to happen." "No love it's my fault, I'm so sorry," he said hugging me.

I hope you this! Please request!

Word count: 512

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