My girl, you've got nothing to lose - Ronnie

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Sorry, it's kind of short but I hope you like it!

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Sorry, it's kind of short but I hope you like it!

Requested by @iamaprettybrunette

Which Kray: Ronnie.

About: Ronnie sees that your ex is giving you a problem and he sorts it out for you.

Extra details: None.

Trigger warnings: Shouting, swearing, kicking and talk of sensitive subjects.

Y/n's POV:

Ronnie and I have been dating for four months now and it's been a whirl wind. He gets so jealous and overprotective easily but he's also so kind and gentle. I love him to death but his protectiveness can get annoying. He will literally beat up a guy for looking at me wrongly.

"My love, what drink do u want?" Asked Ronnie. "I'll have a y/f/d, please," I asked nicely. "Of course, love," he said gently smiling at me not wanting anyone to notice him smiling. "Thank you," I said smiling back at him. As he walked away I watched him until he go to the bar and then I started fiddling with my fingers as I went into a day dream.

All of a sudden, I heard a voice saying "Y/n? Is that you?" I snapped out of the day dream and look up to see my ex. Fuck! My ex, Will.

Let me tell you about my ex Will. He was physical, mentally, verbally, emotionally and sexually abusive for two years. Why is he here? How did he find me? Shit!

"Please just leave me alone, Will," I said. He smirked at me and chuckled. "You think you can run away and get away with it, missy?" He said. My legs started to shake as I said "Please just leave me alone." "No!" He shouted as he pulled my hair and screamed in pain while struggling. "RONNIE!!!" I yelled. "Shut up bit-" he said when all of a sudden a glass got smashed over Will's head and he fell to the ground. It was Ronnie and he started to kick Will's stomach. "Ronnie! Stop! Let's just go!" I shouted as I grabbed and pulled at Ronnie's arm. But he didn't listen. "DON'T YOU EVER FUCKING TOUCH MY BIRD AGAIN!!! YOU FUCKING GOT IT!?!" He shouted as Will was spitting out blood. "Yes! I promise!" Will shouted. "Good!" Ronnie shouted as he kicked Will in the stomach for the finally time.

"Let's get out of here, love," he said putting his arm out for me to hold. I held his arm as we walked out of the pub.

"Sorry for swearing in front of you, love," he said looking into my eyes and I looked back into his and said "It's fine, thank you for protecting me." "You're welcome, my love," he said as we carried on walking to my house.

As we made it to the door step and I stood on it. I leaned in as he leaned into and we kissed. "Good night Ronnie. I love you," I said smiling. "Good night, love. Love you too," he said looking around not wanting anyone to think he wasn't 'gangster' enough. I opened the door and walked into my house.

Please request!

Word count: 521

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