Shadows of the past- Part I

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As Damian and I continued to build our love, there was a shadow from his past that kept creeping into our lives - Emma, a past fling of Damian's who seemed to keep resurfacing at the most inconvenient times.

It all started innocently enough when we bumped into Emma at a school event. She was charming and beautiful, and it was clear that she still held a special place in Damian's heart. Although he assured me that it was all in the past, I couldn't help but feel a tinge of jealousy whenever Emma was around.

At first, I tried my best to ignore my feelings and trust Damian. But as the weeks went by, it became apparent that Emma was intentionally trying to get involved in our relationship. She would show up at the same parties and events, always seeking Damian's attention and stirring up old memories.

One evening, as we attended a school fundraiser, Emma approached us with a friendly smile. "Hey, Damian! Long time no see," she said, her eyes lingering on him.

Damian greeted her politely, but I could sense the tension building. "Hi, Emma. How have you been?"

"Oh, you know, same old," she replied with a subtle flirtatiousness. "I heard you two are together now. Must be nice to have someone special in your life."

I felt my cheeks flush, and before I could say anything, Damian stepped in. "Yes, it is. Vivian means a lot to me."

Emma's smile faltered for a moment, but she quickly regained her composure. "I'm glad to see you happy, Damian."

As the night wore on, I couldn't shake the feeling that Emma was intentionally trying to create a rift between us. But instead of confronting her, I decided to have an open and honest conversation with Damian about my insecurities.

Later that night, as we sat under the stars in a quiet corner of the garden, I took a deep breath. "Damian, can we talk about Emma?"

He looked at me with concern in his eyes. "Of course, Vivian. What's on your mind?"

"I trust you, I really do," I began, "but I can't help feeling uneasy whenever she's around. It's like she's trying to come between us."

Damian took my hand in his, squeezing it gently. "I understand why you might feel that way, but I promise you, there's nothing between me and Emma anymore. She's just a part of my past, and you're my present and future."

His words reassured me, and I knew that I needed to let go of my insecurities.

As the weeks passed, our relationship seemed stronger than ever, and it appeared that Emma had finally moved on. However, just when we thought the drama was behind us, a new wave of challenges emerged.

One day, as Damian and I were walking hand in hand through the school courtyard, we noticed a group of students whispering and casting furtive glances in our direction. It didn't take long for rumors to spread like wildfire, and soon the entire school seemed to be buzzing with gossip about our relationship.

It turned out that someone had started a rumor, claiming that Damian was only using me as a distraction while secretly still pining for Emma. The malicious whispers found their way to my ears, and I felt a pang of doubt in my heart.

"Do you think people believe those rumors?" I asked Damian, trying to keep my voice steady.

He looked at me with a mixture of frustration and determination. "I don't care what they believe, Vivian. Our love is real, and that's all that matters."

But the rumors took a toll on both of us. They gnawed at our trust and shook our confidence in the face of disapproval from our families and the judgment of our peers.

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