Forbidden Encounters - Part II

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After hitting the 'submit' button on my college applications, I found myself lounging on a quiet Saturday afternoon. The sudden buzz of my phone drew my attention, and a glance at the caller ID revealed it was Sasha. Excitement welled up as I answered, and we dove into a lively discussion about potential colleges and the quest for next year's accommodations.

"Hey there, Sasha! Perfect timing," I greeted her with a warm smile in my voice.

"Hey! I knew you'd be in a post-application submission glow today," Sasha chuckled. "So, any news from the colleges yet?"

I laughed. "Not yet, but I'm ready to pounce on my email inbox as soon as they start responding. How about you?"

Sasha sighed dramatically. "The waiting game is driving me crazy. I keep checking my email like a maniac. But let's focus on the fun part—imagining the whole college experience. Have you thought about dorms or apartments?"

"Definitely. I'm leaning toward dorms for the first year. It sounds like such an adventure, living right on campus."

"True! Late-night study sessions, ordering pizza in the middle of the night, bonding over all-nighters – dorm life has its own charm. I'm torn between that and sharing an apartment with friends."

"That sounds awesome too," I agreed. "I guess we'll see where we end up. Are you considering any colleges in particular?"

Sasha paused thoughtfully. "Yeah, I have a few in mind. But visiting the campuses is going to be the real deal-breaker for me. What about you?"

"I'm keeping my options open, but there are a couple that really caught my eye. It's going to be so exciting to explore new places, meet new people."

Sasha's voice brimmed with enthusiasm. "Absolutely! College is like a whole new chapter of life waiting to be written. We're going to have a blast."

"Definitely. And hey, we'll have to plan visits together if we end up in nearby colleges."

"Absolutely! Road trips and campus tours, it's going to be epic," Sasha exclaimed.

As our conversation continued, the thrill of the future and the potential adventures that awaited us painted a vivid picture in our minds.

I hear something like a repeated tapping on my window, interrupting my phone conversation with Sasha, its already been a long day and I haven't yet had a chance ti speak to Damian, my parents kept on keeping me busy.Promising myself that I will call her right away after checking that noise, I hastily make my way to my bedroom window. With a slight hesitation, I open it, only to be met with a tiny stone hitting me square in the face. "Shit, sorry," I hear Damian's voice from downstairs, filled with genuine remorse. I bend down to the window and see a flushed Damian staring back at me, his eyes filled with concern.I laugh, unable to contain my amusement at his clumsiness. "What are you doing here? Are you crazy?" I say, my flustered tone betraying my surprise.

Damian looks sheepish as he explains, "I didn't hear from you all day, and I was worried, so I came to see you." His vulnerability melts my heart, and I can't help but smile at him. "Stay right there, I am coming downstairs," I assure him, closing the bedroom window. Before heading downstairs, I take a final look in the mirror to make sure I look presentable. Satisfied with my appearance, I grab my phone and slip on a light jacket, preparing to face the outside world.

Finally reaching the bottom of the stairs, I hope that I won't encounter anyone on my way out. I quickly make my way to the back door, where Damian is waiting for me, leaning casually against his car with his arm outstretched. Without a second thought, I run into his open arms, my excitement bubbling over like a child. He catches me effortlessly and spins me around, the world blurring around us for a moment. Pausing only to kiss me gently, he whispers urgently, "I missed you,run with me"

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