Chapter 7

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"You ready to talk about her, yet?" Brooke asked Peyton as the drove to New York. Brooke driving, Peyton in the passenger seat, Haley and Ellie crammed in the back with all the bags and clothes for Brookes fashion show.

"I'm dealing with Ellie's death the way she woulda wanted me to; by really living life." Peyton said turning to face Brooke, "And what better way than road-tripping to New York in this... sweet ride and... and then hopping on a plane, nine hours later, with a 15 month old baby and flying to Charlotte." Brooke laughs and pats Peyton's knee. "Ellie would've loved it." she adds

"And Rachel is gonna hate it. Win, win!" Brooke smiled "Are we on schedule, navigation girl?!" she added turning to face Haley who was somewhere in the backseat.

"Well, yeah, except that, uh, we promised to switch seats once we hit Pennsylvania." Haley told them looking down at the map.

"Hmmm,..." Brooke dragged out, before changing the subject. "So, H. James-Scott, what're you more excited about? The fashion show or the cheerleading competition?"

"Uh,... sharing a hotel room with Nathan." Haley deadpanned, causing Brooke to laugh

"Ugh, you a so Brooke's roommate!" Peyton groaned

"Whatever!" Haley smiled "Oh, slug bug!" she added punching Peyton's arm.

"Ow!" she exclaimed grabbing her arm. as Brooke and Haley both laugh. they drove a while longer, playing the radio game. Brooke fiddled with the dial.

"OK, my turn. Oh, wise radio, what is gonna happen to me in New York at the Rogue Vogue fashion show?" Brooke asked

"That was the first question you asked and you can't ask the same question twice." Haley told her

"Well, I didn't like my answer and it's not like only one thing can happen at a fashion show." Brooke replied

"Yeah, but it defeats the purpose of the radio game. It's like magic eight ball; you have to take the first answer you get." Peyton told her

"Yeah, I didn't get a do-over when the answer to my question: 'What will happen with me and Nathan' was 'Highway to Hell'. Ok?" Haley added

"Fine. I will accept that at some point this weekend, someone will pour some sugar on me." Brooke stated "My next question is: what is Lucas thinking about?" Brooke fiddled with the radio dial again. "Right..." she stopped turning it. Torn Between Two Lovers by Mary MacGregor starts to play.

"Ok, new game." Brooke said as Brooke and Peyton glanced at each other, everyone spirits dying

"How bout movie quotes?" suggested Haley

"Great." agreed Brooke

"I'll go first. Um,..." Haley paused thinking for a moment "'if I ever start talking about these as the best days of my life remind me to kill myself'."

"'Dazed and Confused'." Peyton answered, getting it right

"Oh my god, you guys, look!" Brooke said excitedly, they all looked out the window as the skyline to New Yorke could be scene.

"Oh! Oh, it's just like the movies!" Haley said in awe.

"Peyton, we need music; plug in the iPod." Brooke told her, Peyton did as she was told.

"Cue the soundtrack." Peyton said as she music begins to play, they all smile looking out at New York in awe


"Howww, stinkin' great is this!" smiled Brooke as they walked into the showroom, there were models walking down the catwalk, rehearsing. "Well, thanks for coming with me, team."

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