Chapter 2

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Felix Scoffed and lowered his camera he had been using to take photos of Brooke, Ellie resting on his hip with his free hand. "I think the Latin book's upside-down." He told her

"Like I could read it if it was right-side-up." Brooke deadpanned placing the book down. "How long's it gonna take you to get these fliers done?" She added pulling the hair tie out her hair, ruffling it loose.

"Just gotta download the pics to my computer." Said Felix "You got a slogan in mind?"

"Yeah, 'Brooke Davis for President'. Short enough for even the stoners to remember." she smiled


"Oh, hey." Lucas said walking into Karen's.

"Oh, hey. You're a lifesaver." Said Karen she had Ellie on her hip, her free hand she carried plates. "Deb's out of town, I'm trying to watch Ellie and I'm backed up on deliveries." She added walking back around the counter

"OK, uh... no problem, I'll pack up the car. But first..." Lucas handed her a folded sheet of paper, which Karen unfolded. "the test results came. I don't have HCM." Karen gasped in relief. "Keith's OK too." He added

"Thank god!" She exclaimed hugging him, "Oh, I don't think I could take it if anything were wrong with you."

"I know." Smiled Lucas

"Well, we should celebrate; anything you want." Karen asked

"I wanna... move in with Dan." Lucas told him

"Right." Karen chuckled passing him back the paper "and I wanna drive metal spike into my eyes." She finished tuning back to the counter to put things away.

"Look, I-I know it sounds crazy. OK, but college is gonna start in a few years..." Lucas stuttered

"You're serious?" Karen questioned

"Yeah, I wanna move in with Dan." Lucas muttered

"Over my dead body!" Karen exclaimed "What's this really about, Lucas? What's going on?"

"Nothing!" Lucas said his voice rising "And I know this comes as a surprise to you,... and I'm sorry mum, but... it's what I want. Ok?" He walks past and Karen watched him and confused sad look on his face.

"What has gotten into the boy?" She muttered to Ellie, who obviously didn't answer.


"What the hell are you doing with Lucas?" Questioned Karen storming in his store

"So he told you?" Dan asked calmly

"Only that he's moving in with you, not the real reason why!" Karen angrily stated

"He wants to get to know his father." Dan answered

"That's crap and we both know it! You're manipulating him somehow!" Karen snapped back.

"No, I'm letting him make a choice. He's a big boy, Karen." Dan said walking off. "He may need something more than just his mommy!"

"Don't you dare walk away from me." Karen began following after Dan. "we are nowhere near fin..." she paused as she saw a celebration happening then she spotted Keith

"What's going on?" Karen questioned

"It's just a little party to celebrate Keith's engagement." Dan smiles at Karen, Karen looked at Keith with a hurt look on her face

"Champaign?" Dan asked Karen holding out the glass.


Ellie sat in Andy's lap as he ate his food, giving Karen and Lucas a break to get things done around the store. Karen on the other side of the counter. Lucas walking back and forth taking orders out to people.

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