Chapter 5

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Lucas is standing at the airport with a bouquet of flowers. He glanced up and saw Brooke and Ellie, Ellie walking. Brooke walked over stoping a few steps away from Lucas. Letting Ellie walk to him

"Hey, El." He smiled picking her up

"Dada." Ellie grinned as Brooke took a step closer

"Ok, putting aside the fact that I do look pretty good considering I've been on the plane for like a day and a half with a 14 month old, you cannot ambush me and Ellie at the airport with flowers and a... nicely tanned, end-of-summer, body, considering the way we left things..." Brooke told Lucas, stoping when she notices his frown. He glanced sideways and Brooke followed his gaze spotting Karen. "three months ago." Brooke breathed out embarrassed

"Actually, I'm just... here to pick up my mum from New Zealand." Lucas said awkwardly "I didn't think you were coming in till tomorrow."

"You thought wrong." Brooke said with a stiff smile, reaching for Ellie, who grabbed tighter on to Lucas, obviously she wanted to stay with him having not seen him for three months.

"Oh, look, there's my cab;" Brooke said quickly
"quick, maybe you can tell me you love me or something." She snarked before walking off.

He looked down at Ellie the two smiling at each other, Before Lucas turned to Karen smiling, Ellie giving her a wave.

"Hi, honey." Karen smiled taking the flowers. Before giving him a hug.

"Hi, El." Karen said taking her from Lucas, Ellie held her hand out wanting Karen to high-five her. Lucas and Karen both laughed as Karen high-fives her.

"Welcome home, mum." Lucas adds "You haven't missed a thing."


Peyton is standing in her bed room, painting the number 6 on her wall with bright red paint.

"Bout time." Lucas says walking in Ellie holding his hand, she turned to face him, not even noticing Ellie, who was half hidden behind Lucas's leg and the doorway. "Well, I knew you couldn't go an entire summer without doing something in here."

"You don't know me." Peyton joked putting her hand on her hips.

"Oh, I think I do." Lucas smiled as Peyton hugged him.

"Ok, so, check it out, Tom Sawyer." Peyton went on still completely oblivious to the fact Ellie was there meaning Brooke was home.

"If you're lucky..." she began picking her paint bush back up "I might let you help me, and if you're really lucky, I might even let you pay to help me." Lucas gasped "Whaddaya say?" She finished as Ellie tugged on his pants bringing his attention back to Ellie, and the fact Brooke was back.

"Brooke's home." Lucas quickly said, looking down at Ellie, Peyton followed his gaze to Ellie.
She bent down to give her a hug. Ellie held her hand out for a high-five just like she had done with Karen.

"High-fives are kinda her new favourite thing." Lucas smiled. Peyton stood back up and Lucas went on; "Went to the airport this morning to pick up my mum and 'poof', there was Brooke."

"'Poof'?" Questioned Peyton

"'Poof'." Lucas repeated nodding

"Hmm." Peyton paused "What're gonna tell her?"


"You talking to me yet?" Lucas asked appearing in the doorway of his bedroom, where Brooke was packing up the rest of her things.

"Yeah." She smiled as Ellie walked over to her

"Good." Lucas said walking into the room "And I bought you flowers." He holds out some wildflowers for Brooke.

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