XIII. The Beginning of Truth

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A/N: Initially, this story wasn't supposed to have much of a plot...I wanted to write it as one shots with them as cats, but every story that makes sense has to end someday. This is the thread that will slowly end this story.


"What do you do? Whenever you smile like that, you're planning something." He said, leaning his arm against the wall next to him.

Suddenly, he came quickly closer and grabbed your wrist, pulling you away from your friend.


He pulled you into an alley between corporate buildings and pushed your back against the wall, connecting your lips.

Making you blush, but you kissed back.

And your friend watched the scene with a little blush and wide eyes.

They win this round.

"Mmmgh..." he murmured into his mouth as he moved his tongue to put it between your lips.

His hands wrapped around you so you wouldn't pull away.

You liked their kisses. But before you gave in completely, you remembered that you were standing in an alley in the city, in a public place. And next to you is your friend who sees it all.

This is a public place! Very public!
You placed your hands on his chest, lightly pushing him away.

You started to move, feeling that you were about to burn with embarrassment. His lips continued to press against yours, but you finally managed to push him away. And his eyes looked at you questioningly.

It was the first time you pushed him away from a kiss. You always pulled away a little or told him enough was enough.

And now you pushed him away instead of just keeping your hands on his chest.

It was too pushy of him, wasn't it?

"(y/n)." he said grabbing your hands but you turned your face towards the ground.

You really felt ashamed. What if someone besides Yuki saw you at that moment? Did anyone see that you kissed your boyfriend with a tongue literally a minute ago?

What is justice in life?
You've already seen a case where an old lady started beating a couple who started kissing on the sidewalk with her handbag! Because it concerns them for perverts who spoil children.

You don't want anyone to see you kissing someone.

You could barely get used to having two boyfriends taking turns kissing you!

Every time one kisses you, the other is watching.

You turned your head to see Suguru next to you who was staring at you intently.

And when he saw your gaze, he reached for your hand and pulled you aside for a moment.

"Wait a minute." He called out to your friend who was standing scared next to him.

As he pulled you deeper into a dark alley, they settled on either side of you.

You hoped Yuki wouldn't think that you were being bullied by them.

Does he even know they're your boyfriends? Probably yes...

Besides, he's too scared to think about it. He's not very tall, he's not muscular. He is just him. An office worker who likes to spend time at home. But sometimes he is obtrusive. He likes to get your attention.
That's why you thought for a while that it was all him showing off to you.

However, this is normal human behavior.

He is cute sometimes. He is nice to you.

And you have boyfriends who are cats...
No matter how weird it sounds, it is. They are cats. You have no idea if they're cats that can turn into people or people that can turn into cats.

You don't know much about them. They've been with you for so long, but you don't know as much about them as you know about Yuki...
This is the whole truth.

You don't know where they get their money from.

You don't know where they got the strange power to turn into cats.

You don't know how you've seen things that don't exist.

Or are they a figment of your imagination?

It's all weird.

You love them and they love you, but you don't know what you should know about them.

They work, right?
After all, they sometimes disappear from the house and come back later. Just like they were working.

If they love you so much, why can't you find out more about them?

You don't even know where they go! And they know everything about you. They know where you work. What you like and what you don't like. They live with you. They even know that Yuki has feelings for you. They know everything. Plus, they're jealous of what you have with your friend. What is happening now proves it all.
They want you to pay attention only to them. They don't want you to be close to Yuki because they don't want you to fall in love with him.

How many times have I told them that you love them. But they still do the same. They think that you might leave them at some point.

They don't trust you with this.

How are you supposed to trust them if you don't know the whole truth about them?

You don't even know if they're your cats.

Who are the Satoru and Suguru you know?

"(y/n), can we talk?" You looked at Suguru.

"What do you see in this guy? We are more handsome. And besides, I saw his eyes just roam your body! This is some pervert who wants to take you away from us!"

"Is it sincere?" You asked quietly.


"Are what you say sincere? What you said now. Yuki is just my friend. And I trust him." You said almost in a whisper. "But you don't trust me..."

"What are you talking about?" Suguru muttered, grabbing your cheek.

"You come out of nowhere, I don't even know how you got here. I see you doing inhumane things. Turn into a cat... You don't tell me anything. I don't know where you work, I don't know where you came from. I don't even know who you are exactly."


"Listen, I don't want to hide anything from you. I am not hiding anything! But if I had to say who I know more about, you or Yuki, I'd say Yuki. Because it's true! I don't know what I should know about you! You follow me, you're jealous! You know everything about me and I know nothing about you! All I know is your names and what you like and don't like! I don't know anything else! Is this what trust looks like to you?!"


"Tell me honestly, do you even love me?!" Tears began to run down your face. "If you loved me, you would tell me everything! But all I see is how much you want to take me away from my only friend! Because of stupid jealousy! It pains me that you do everything to make me focus only on you, but you don't tell me about your life before you met me."

As you were about to leave, you heard Satoru's voice stop you.

He sighed.

"When you finish work, a car will come to pick you up..." He said sideways to you, and made eye contact with Suguru who nodded his head. "The driver will take you to where we work."

"You learn the truth at your own risk." Suguru added. "But no matter what you may think, we will protect you from what our job is."

You'll finally know the truth, huh?

But why did it sound so dark?

Should you be afraid of what you'll see?

With tears in your eyes, you left the alley and walked alongside your friend to your work.

Who are Satoru and Suguru?

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