VII - Hide and Seek game

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Since you came back, you couldn't find them. Nothing. There wasn't a living soul in the house. You checked everything.

All their hiding places have been checked by you.

Every cupboard, under every decorative pillow, and even under the ones in the bed.

They weren't under the pillows. Also in drawers and cabinets.

The bed seemed empty. Nobody was lying on it.

Checking the bedroom, you left thinking you checked everything.

There was nothing in the living room either.

On the couch, under the table, Even between in the middle of the couch.
Behind the TV. Everywhere. There was nothing on the balcony either, and in addition the door to the balcony was closed all the time.
So they couldn't go out.

The bathroom was also completely empty.
No white or black fur in the tub. There was nothing in the bathroom cabinets either. In addition to what is used in the kitchen.

The clothes basket was also devoid of cats inside. Same with the pile of towels next to it.
And so were the bathrobes hanging on the door. Nothing was sitting there. The sleeves weren't filled with fluffy animals.

The last room was the kitchen.

On your way there, you even checked other cupboards and even a vase with a plant.

All you could think about was how they could play hide and seek with you now...

You also checked the cupboards in the kitchen.

Cupboards with dishes, cupboards with food.

The snack cabinet where you know Satoru likes to hang out a lot.

You even opened the fridge. There was nothing alive there.

You opened the freezer. There were no cats in the ice cream boxes. Nobody ate it.

You're glad at least they weren't in impossible places.

You heard your phone ring. You walked over to the electrical outlet where your phone was plugged into the charger and looked at the notification.

Satoru sent you a heart asking where you are.

You just got back from work. You ate something small and started looking for them.

You asked where they are.

He wrote that both of them are in the same place as always.

And that gave you no clue.

You put the phone down.

You haven't seen the next message yet.

"I think you'll find us easily, considering how obvious a place we are to you, bb❤️"

You didn't see the message and went to the bathroom to wash your hands and face.

You don't feel like playing puzzles with them and looking for them. This is tiring.

You wandered around the apartment, grabbing something to drink, then some biscuits.

You laid down on the couch then got up.

And then you thought again where they could have gone.

You searched the living room, kitchen and bathroom again.

In the most obvious places.

Sugar-addicted cats are always in cupboards with sweets, coffee-loving cats are with coffee, cats that will eat everything are with food.

Perverted cats are in the clothes basket, in the clothes and underwear cupboards (where you've looked before).

Tired of the search, you went to the bedroom, hoping they'd come home for the night. They go where they want, do what they want. But they both have to follow one rule. Always come home, or let you know where they are.

Even if they're cats.

Cats with phones.

You could even say that these phones are better than your phone.

It looks normal when both of them are sitting in human form with a phone in their hand. But if they were lying on the couch as cats and scrolling through social media with their cat paw, it would be weird.

In a way, somehow normal. If they were snakes and wrote you messages with their tails, it would already be very strange. Snakes don't have fingers. They don't even have hands. The snake wouldn't be able to use the phone.

The cat can.

And you wanted them to lie somewhere here. Even with a phone or laptop. It would be normal.

But it's not normal for you that they're not with you now. Empty without them. Even though you're worried, you know they'll be back. Satoru texted you this morning, so you know they're out there somewhere. That they will come back to you. And this is the most important thing for you.

Closing the bedroom door behind you, you took off your shirt and pants. Feeling comfortable in your home, you walked over to the bed. Sleeping in just underwear is not a bad thing. And since there's no one here, you can do it.

And you will do it without the threat of them coming right after you and getting you.

You could consider it a moment of respite from their sticky hands clinging to your body.

A moment of breath and solitude.

You'll enjoy your breath. Loneliness not so much.

You're used to them. And the house is not the same without them.

And their holding hands isn't so bad. At least you feel them.

Maybe it's just a game of hide and seek... Or maybe they went out somewhere...

You will wait for them, and as punishment you will dip them in water. Their fur will not be as fluffy as when their fur is dry. But there is a possibility that when they jump out, with wet fur. And they will wash floor at home.

And then you'll have to give them a bath to keep them clean.

You smiled as you thought about this plan.

You sat on the bed and looked around the room.

They weren't here either.

The drawers are closed, all the cupboards are too. There's not even an option that they're in this room. They really went out in the morning.
And you have no idea where.

You don't worry about them because they're big boys. And as cats, they have claws.

And the image of a levitating cat still appears in your mind...

Adjusting yourself on the bed, you pulled your butt higher.

And you lay down, feeling the softness under your skin.

However, something was wrong here.

You felt that something was wrongly placed on the bed.

They weren't pillows under your back. And it wasn't a folded sheet either.

You widened your eyes as you felt the soft thing beneath you begin to move.

You wanted to get up quickly, but before you could move, it got bigger and bigger.

You couldn't get up because there were hands on your shoulders and hips that were under the covers.

Your legs went up and so did your back.

You looked to the right.

You saw the smiles of both men.

Your thighs were on Satoru's stomach and your back was on Suguru's chest.

"Hey kitty." Satoru called to you.

"It's for us that you undressed?" Suguru finished.

You looked at their smiles while you experienced that you lay lightly on the cats that from the beginning were sleeping under the covers that you didn't check under...

You're on them now, and what they'll do to you...

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