14 🔥🔥🔥 Inside The Cage

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April 29th Continued...

My breath catches and my heart rate speeds up, as you turn and beckon me...My feet start walking towards you.

You clear your throat, stopping me in my tracks, and motion to the ground with a nod. My body drops me to my knees, then on to all fours, and I crawl towards you, arriving at your feet. Cupping my chin in your hand, you tilt it up, causing me to sit back and kneel in front of you.

'Good girl,' you groan, and pat my head. 'You're learning Little Pet.'

I bow my head as you put my collar on, then lift my chin again. I stare up at you as you click on my leash. It's all I can do not to pant. My eyes roam down your body, landing on your jeans. I see the hardening there and lick my lips.

Looking back up at you, I see you are smiling.

'Time for a walk, Little Pet,' you say, and lead me once around our room, passing the cage, as I follow you on all fours. The room is hot, even though I'm only wearing my bra, knickers, collar and leash.

After a circuit of the room, you walk me to the opening of the cage, and say, 'Sit.'

I kneel in front of the cage. My heart batters itself against my ribs. My breath is rapid. Your hand strokes my cheek and you crouch down in front of me.

'Trust me,' you say softly.

I nod and lean into your hand. Then you gently turn me around, so that I am facing away from the cage.

'Crawl backwards Lilah. Into the cage. Only stop when you can't go any further back.'

I crawl back, feel the softness of the mat on my knees. Then my ass hits the central bar, the one that's in the middle of the cage, like a pillar, or a pole, that runs from the floor to the top of the cage.

I am inside the cage completely, my legs each side of the central pole, the soles of my feet against the bars at the back of the cage, the top of my head almost at the front of the cage. I look at the bars half a meter above me. I could kneel up in here, but I wouldn't be able to stand. Fear twists my intestines as I look at you.

'Good girl. You look so beautiful in there. I made it just for you. This is your cage.'

My words are gone. I can't even describe to myself how I feel.

You must sense it, because you say, 'You might be feeling a little afraid right now. You might be wondering what's going to happen. I am asking you to trust me. To surrender your control to me. To become my art piece. Just for a short time.' You crouch in front of me, put the masquerade mask on my face and tie it at the back of my head. 'I am going to close the door now, and I'm going to lock it, and then I'm going to film you. Is that's ok with you?'

My head nods. Now that I've got the mask on I am safe. No one will identify me in this. No one will be able to track me down, no matter what you do with this video. And I so want to be part of your art. A thing to be gazed at. Cherished. By you.

'Use your words Lilah. It's ok to say no.'

'Yes. I trust you. That's ok.'

'Good girl. But remember, you have a safe word. If you need to, you can use it. I won't think any less of you if you do. I know this is a big step.'

'Yes Sir.' My breathing starts to regulate.

You stand at the cage door, and slowly close it. I watch through the bars on the ceiling of the cage as you walk over to your easel, set up your camera, and start recording.

Then you come back to the cage, and walk around it.

Watching me.

Inspecting me.

Making me an object, in a cage, for your gaze.

You're at the back of the cage now, and I turn my head to watch as you crouch down behind me and put your hand through the bars, slowly stroking the inside of my thighs.

A moan escapes my mouth. Everything feels so heightened.

You lean against the bars and blow a hot breath across my ass.

I pant, try and lean back towards you, but the central pole stops me.

You stand up, come to the side of the cage, reach in, stroke from my neck, down my back, across my ass, and then you smack me softly.

Your breathing grows deeper, and I smile a knowing smile. You may have me trapped, but I've got you hypnotized. Maybe I'm in more control than you after all.

You stop stroking, look at me, and say, 'Do you really think I don't know what you're thinking?' I blush, the deep kind of blush that comes with being caught out on a thought. Embarrassment, tinged with humiliation.

'Now count with me, Miss Lilah.'


You smack the side of my ass hard, 'Who are you talking to Lilah?'

'Sorry Sir,' I gasp,


'That was one.'

'No Lilah. That one didn't count.'

You smack me harder, and I gasp, 'One.'

You caress where you hit me, then slap again. Harder this time.

'Two,' I yelp.

Caress. Smack.

'Three. Oh fuck Mac.'

'Watch your language, Miss Lilah.'

Caress. Smack.

'Four,' I scream. It's getting more painful each time.

Caress. Caress.

I hold on to the bars, waiting for number five.

Caress. Stroking in circles. Caress.

I open my eyes, look to you, and see a sadistic glint in your eye. I haven't seen that before. Suddenly I'm drenched. Not just the sweat beading on my body, but the honey pooling in my knickers, soaking them, rolling down my thighs.

You hold my eyes with yours, hypnotizing me, keeping me spinning in your grin. The smack this time is a scream across my skin, making me scream, 'Five.'

My head drops down to the floor, leaving my ass still in the air, pressed against the central pole. You stroke and smooth my ass, as you watch me cry. I know I'm a mess of sweat and tears, my ass cheeks red and raw.

'You earned a treat, Little Pet,' you murmur.

Oh God, what now?

I keep my head down, hear you walking away, then hear a buzzing sound. Fuck. I'm not sure if I can handle what's about to come. Because whatever is about to come, is never what I think it will be...

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