Start from the beginning

He steadily came closer to her making her move back.

"Where do you think you're running to?" He smiled pushing her back causing her back to meet the wall and he crushed her against it.

"You're so sexy and it would be a real shame if I didn't taste you" he smiled his eyes gauging her from head to toe.

She gulped hard.

"But the boss would kill me if I did" she chuckled moving back and shoving a paper in her hand.

"Goodnight beautiful" he winked as he walked to the door but the door opened as Angelo came I'm.

The strange man smiled at him before leaving.

"Who was that?" Angelo asked as he locked the door behind him.

"Um...." Mia began to narrate what had occurred and Angelo frowned.

"How did he get in?" He asked.

"I don't know, he said something about hijacking the door"

"And he left this note" She held it up and Angelo opened it and they began to read.

"Did you get the last message I sent, also I believe there's a small sweet boy in your care,
Keep him safe"

"Oh my God!" Mia shouted dropping the note.

"What's tomorrow's day?" She asked.

"Saturday, why?" He asked worriedly.

"My nephew is in a one-week camp, I don't know if they're closing today or tomorrow" she murmured panicking.

"Okay, let's head over to the camp" he grabbed her shoulders turning her attention to him.

"How could I forget about him, I'm such a bad aunt" Mia began to cry.

"I hope he's okay!" She cried.

"Hey, he'll be okay but let's head over to the camp now" he pulled her towards the door.

They quickly entered the car and rushed over to the camp.

"You're going to fast, he'll be fine okay?" Angelo turned to her.

"You're right, I'm just so tense" She took in deep breaths.

"I'm just so worried, with all these people trying to kill my family and then the strange man stalling me before giving me the note about my nephew" She was breathing heavily like she had run a marathon.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine____I'm sure he's safe" she bit back a chuckle.


Soon, they arrived at the camp and the woman in charge glared at her. She despised women like her.

"How could you forget your nephew, Junior has been crying since yesterday!" The woman scolded.

"He was wondering why his aunt hadn't come for him when all the other kids had left" The woman seemed angry.

"I'm so sorry ma'am, I've just been_____ I have a lot on my plate" Mia sighed trying to calm her breathing.

"Yeah, I can see just how much you have on your plate" The woman said sarcastically while giving Angelo a long hard glare.

"Where's Junior?" She asked ignoring the woman's gesture.

"Helen!" The woman shouted and a young woman appeared.

"Yes ma'am" Helen replied.

"Please show Miss Martinez where Junior Antonio Ortiz is" she ordered still glaring at Mia.

"Yes ma'am, please come this way" Helen called and she and Angelo followed her.

They walked until they arrived at a cabin and Helen opened the door.

"Junior, there's someone here to see you" Helen smiled at the boy who sat on the bed.

"Junior?" Mia called and the boy turned to the familiar voice.

"Aunt!" He called and rushed over to hug her and she bent to receive his hug.

"Why didn't you come get me since?" He asked and began to cry.

"I'm sorry Jr, please forgive your aunt" she pleaded and he pulled away from the hug and grabbed her hand before pulling her inside the cabin even more

"Junior, what is it?" She asked confused.

"That man is bad" Junior said while pointing at Angelo.

"Angelo? No Jr, He's a friend" she replied.

"Actually ma'am, there's something you need to know" Helen said and Mia turned to her.

"My boss forbade me from telling you, but there was an attack yesterday after all the children had gone" Helen began to narrate and this piqued Mia's interest.

"Someone came, acted like he knew Junior and said he was here to pick him up, he looked quite authentic and seemed to know that Junior was still here even after all the other kids had gone, he had tried to kidnap him but Junior was somehow able to escape and screamed for help, but the man was long gone before our security guards arrived, but he escaped by car" She narrated.

"Aunt, I was scared" He cried hugging her.

"I'm sorry Jr, nothing like that is going to ever happen to you again Okay?" She assured squeezing him in the hug.

"Come on let's go home" Mia said leading him outside the cabin and Angelo followed behind them smiling at the young boy.

Junior walked to the other side of Mia as if avoiding Angelo.

They left the camp and Mia's heart finally calmed down now that Junior was sitting in the back seat of her car.

Valerie ought to be back by now, her sister never liked taking care of children she found it a chore but she was actually too lazy to.

She was already feeling like a burden staying with Aneglo and now she was bringing Junior too.

They arrived at Angelo's house and he carried Junior's luggage inside.

"Aunt, where are we, what happened to your place?" The small boy inquired.

"I'll tell you about that later but first go showed and I'll make you dinner okay?" She asked and he nodded.

Junior stared at the house before journeying to the bathroom.

Mia heard a knock on the kitchen door and turned to find Angelo.

"Don't worry, tomorrow I'll take Junior to the mansion, I'm sorry we are being a burden" she said.

"You don't have to, I don't mind" he smiled at her.

"But I mind" she smiled a bit.

"Whatever you wish" he replied and they laughed.

"Oh and about the case, I think I've come to such a conclusion" she informed.

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