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"Oh and about the case, I think I've reached a conclusion"

"You have?" He asked

"Yeah, they trashed my house to make me forget about Junior knowing I was tired after the ordeal at the mansion. They knew I would be panicked" she narrated.

"You think it's all the same person?" He asked.

"I believe so" she sighed.

"Should we inform the police?" She asked.

"No" he replied.

"Why not?" She asked confused.

"It seems the enemy knows your every move, so they'll definitely know if you go to the police. They may do something worse than just breaking in" Angelo reasoned and grabbed her hands and sighed.

"We wouldn't want that now would we?" He smiled leaning closer and Mia tensed.

His eyes moved back and forth between her lips and eyes.

They both heard a loud cough and Mia pulled her hands away from Angelo's and they turned to find Junior in a towel at the doorway staring at both of them.

"Your clothes are on the bed" She smiled and he nodded and left his gaze still on them causing Mia to laugh.

"I have to go make those sandwiches" She smiled at Angelo and headed back to the kitchen.

Soon Mia arrived with the sandwiches and Junior wasted no time diving right into them.

"Thanks again for having us" Mia whispered to Angelo as they sat at the table.


Junior was well tucked in and she just finished having a shower.

She made her way to the living room but couldn't find Angelo, so she went to the kitchen but still couldn't find him.

She heard the front door close and found Angelo at the door.

He raised his head and jumped a bit when he saw her.

"Where were you?" She asked.

"Um...... someone rang the doorbell they were looking for some Frank, so I told them they had the wrong address" he replied.

"Alright, well Junior is asleep" She smiled and he walked over to her.

"You should also be asleep" he smiled.

"Maybe you're right" She turned around and headed to the room but he grabbed her hand to stop her.

"Sweet dreams" he said and she smiled.


The next morning, Mia was at work with Junior, she needed permission to drop him off at the mansion.

Mia was kind of pissed off at Valerie, the one thing she disliked about her sister was that she never kept her word. If she knew she wasn't ready to take care of a child, why have the child?

Larry wasn't around so she began to set up and waited for customers to arrive.

Junior begged to help but she was against it but after a while she allowed him.

He handled the serving and always seemed to get a tip because he was cute.

Larry finally arrived and was shocked to see many customers.

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