22: Borderline

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Harry nears his locker, putting in his code and struggling a few times before opening it. People murmur around him, whispering and giving him quick glances. His ears perk, his senses alerted as he begins hearing small conversations.

"Isn't he the son of that famous fellow? Maybe you should go talk to him sweetie."

"Never thought he'd show up back to school."

"Okay but his performance wasn't that bad.. for a rich asshole."

"Is his father dead yet?"

"Shut up dude! He could hear you."

Harry's temper rises as he grabs his jacket out of his locker, slamming it shut loudly with a bang. People gasp as all eyes turn on him. He locks eyes with some people in the crowded hallway, causing them to immediately avert their eyes. His eyebrows furrow with anger, his grip on his jacket is tight.

He could just.. go loose right now. Maybe they're right, he's just above them all. They should be jealous. No.. no he shouldn't think that way. But.. then why did it feel so good to make everyone in the room just, shut the fuck up for once? Any other day he would've looked the other way, but today, he finally has the power to do just that. While looking into the crowd, he storms in as parents and students part the way for him. "All of you, move!"

A voice calls out in the crowd as they navigate through the various bodies. Harry gets ready to fight whoever calls his name, tightening his fists, Mr. Able appears in the crowd. Harry's eyes soften as his body relaxes. He feels comforting hands being placed on his arms, his grip on his jacket loosening. Mr. Able looks into his eyes, seeing the hurt behind his outburst. He then looks around at the crowd of people, all eyes on Harry.

"Well, move along! Nothing to see here unless you want to see Mr. Osborn's extraordinary guitar performance again." Mr. Able waves his hand as people begin moving out of the school, small talk is heard throughout the room along with loud footsteps. He lets out a loud sigh, turning back to Harry. "Are you alright?" He presses his lips together as Harry's eyes dart in all directions.

"I'm.. It's fine. I'm used to it." Harry pushes away the comforting hands around his arms as his teacher sighs. "I'm sorry. I should've had a talk with some of the parents and students about this type of thing." He places a hand on his hips as Harry avoids eye contact. "Yeah well.. I don't think it's gonna help." Harry shakes his head, his body tense. "Don't say that.." Mr. Able furrows his eyebrows, his eyes trailing up and down at Harry.

"No one should be subjected to this kind of behaviour. Neither should anyone have to worry about whether or not they deserve that treatment." He remains firm, putting a hand on Harry's shoulder without hesitation. "You call me if anyone does this again. I'll be sure to have a talk with them, okay?" Mr. Able moves his head, trying to make Harry look at him. Harry still refuses, his face twitching slightly.

"Okay?" He repeats as Harry sighs, pushing Mr. Able's hand away again as he places his hands in his pocket. "Yeah. Got it." Harry locks eyes with his teacher, an almost dead expression on display. His eyes soften slightly at Mr. Able's concern.

He knows he really means it.

Mr. Able gives him a reassuring smile, adjusting his messed up collar a second time. From a distance, Gwen talks with her bandmates as they walk along the hallway with everyone else after Harry's outburst. "I wonder if he's okay." Mary Jane fidgets with her guitar strap, pressing her lips together as her eyes follow Harry. The rest of the band looks at each other worriedly.

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