Chapter 34 - Where are you?

Start from the beginning


"This is all your fault!" I yell at Jesy, "You told me not to follow her and now she's been gone for hours and we don't know if she's dead or alive!" the desperation is evident in my voice.

Her eyes are filled with tears but now I don't give a damn how she feels, "I'm sorry, Jade. I didn't think this could happen!" Jesy apologises for the umpteenth time and Leigh comforts her.

Zayn and Harry are also looking for her, we're in constant contact but none of us know where to look, Agent Prentiss and Agent Jareau said we can't press charges yet because it hasn't been enough hours since her disappearance, especially since Perrie left of her own free will, however they too are looking for her as a personal favour.

Where are you, baby?

I have no idea where to look, we've already been to the label, Cheryl's studio which is obviously closed, Zayn and Harry even went to our old house. Agent Jareau called all the hospitals but no one with Perrie's description has been admitted in the last eight hours. I now stand with Leigh and Jes in the park where Pez and I had had ice cream that day after her treatment.

There's no sign of her anywhere, we've tried searching the internet hoping our fame would be useful for once, but it seems Perrie hasn't been seen around, and if anyone has seen her, they haven't posted anything yet.

I feel my hands shaking, the blood is pumping in my ears and my breathing is short and shallow.

I am about to have a panic attack

Where are you, love?

Please, someone tell me she's safe

Leigh looks at me apprehensively, I see her approach and say something but the sound is muffled and I hear nothing, she rests her hands on my shoulders and motions for me to look at her. I see her mouth move and understand what she is trying to tell me. "Breathe"

I inhale for four seconds and exhale for six. I repeat it again and again as I see Leigh's chest rise and fall in rhythm with mine and slowly I calm down.

"That's good, Jadey. We'll find her" she reassures me. I don't believe her, though. I'm too scared.

"What if we don't find her? What if they hurt her?"

"Everything will be fine, you'll see"

"I can't lose her again, Leigh! I can't lose her!"

"Stop saying won't lose her. That's not going to happen"

My phone rings and I immediately pick it up, I look to see if it's Zayn or Agent Jareau because no one else in their right mind would be awake at this hour.

To my surprise I do not recognise the number, a horrible feeling makes its way through my body and with trembling hands I answer. I hear a voice, it is low and weak, but I recognise it.


Perrie pov

"Look at me" the voice repeats.

It can't be, can it?

"I won't hurt you, open your eyes, dear" the same voice repeats softly.

I do as it says and my eyes face three pairs of worried ones. Mine are fixed in those of the owner of the voice I know. A warm smile while looking at me softly.

"It's alright, Perrie. You're safe" the voice is reassuring.

I try to calm down and regularise my breathing.

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