18. Christmas Party

Start from the beginning

"Careful there," Rain said with a chuckle, his grip firm around me. I could feel his heartbeat against my chest, and a rush of gratitude washed over me. "Thank you," I breathed, my voice slightly shaky.

Rain's gaze was warm and concerned as he helped me stand securely on the ground. "You alright?" he asked softly, his fingers brushing a strand of hair away from my face. I nodded, a sheepish smile on my lips. "Yeah, just got a little carried away there."

He chuckled again, his thumb brushing lightly against my cheek. "It happens. Just remember to take it easy." His concern was evident in his eyes, and I appreciated his watchful care even in the midst of the festivities.

Taking his advice to heart, I sipped from a glass of water nearby, allowing the cool liquid to soothe my slightly frazzled nerves. The room continued to buzz with activity, and I found myself leaning on Rain for support, both literally and figuratively, as the night continued.

Amidst the fading party noise, Rain and I retreated to a quieter corner. We settled onto a couch, sitting close together. In that secluded space, our conversation flowed effortlessly, as if the world around us had disappeared, leaving just the two of us lost in our words.

Rain's smile deepened, and he reached out to brush a strand of hair from my face. "You've certainly brought a lot of light into our lives, y/n. Your presence has been a gift to all of us."

I felt a warm blush spread across my cheeks at his heartfelt words. "And you've all welcomed me with open arms," I replied, my voice filled with sincerity. "It's been an incredible journey getting to know you and the ghouls."

Rain's fingers lingered against my cheek for a moment before he gently withdrew his hand, his expression thoughtful. "You know, y/n, even though we're not of the same world, the connection we share transcends those boundaries."

I met his gaze, my heart fluttering at the depth of his words. "I feel it too, Rain. It's like... we found each other in the midst of the unexpected." Rain nodded, his eyes reflecting a myriad of emotions. "Exactly. And that's something I don't take for granted."

As we continued talking, I could feel my eyelids grew heavy, and a comfortable fatigue settled over me. Rain's presence beside me felt like a comforting anchor, and as he spoke, his words seemed to blend with the soft hum of the room.

My head rested against his shoulder, and before I knew it, my eyes had closed, and a peaceful stillness enveloped me. The murmur of voices around us faded into the background, replaced by a sense of serenity as I drifted into sleep.

Rain's voice became a distant echo, and the last thing I remember was the gentle rise and fall of his chest beneath me, a soothing rhythm that lulled me into a deep slumber. In that moment, amidst the laughter and music of the Christmas party, I found solace in the unexpected connection that had brought us together. And as sleep claimed me, I felt a sense of gratitude for the journey we had shared and the bond that had formed between us.

Rain's POV:

As y/n's head nestled against my shoulder and her breathing gradually softened, a sense of tenderness washed over me. The Christmas party continued around us, the room alive with laughter and joy, but in that quiet moment, it was as if the world had slowed down.

Her presence, so serene and comforting, sparked a warmth within me that went beyond the festivities. I gazed down at her peaceful face, her features softened in sleep, and a small smile tugged at the corner of my lips. The strands of her hair that fell gently across her cheek seemed to glow in the ambient light, casting her in a soft radiance.

Her trust in me, her willingness to be vulnerable and share her journey, was a gift that I held close to my heart. The connection we had formed, the understanding that extended beyond the barriers of our different worlds, was something I cherished deeply.

As I watched over her slumbering form, I couldn't help but feel a sense of protectiveness, a desire to ensure that she felt safe and cared for. With her by my side, even in sleep, I felt a renewed sense of purpose.

With y/n resting peacefully against me, I carefully lifted her in my arms, cradling her gently. The room around us continued to be alive with the sounds of laughter and celebration, but I was focused on ensuring her comfort as I navigated through the crowd.

Once inside my room, I softly closed the door behind us, creating a cocoon of tranquility.  Carefully, I laid y/n down on the bed, ensuring she was comfortable before sitting down beside her.

I couldn't help but admire her peaceful expression as she slept, her features illuminated by the soft light. With a sense of contentment, I settled down beside her, allowing the weight of the day to fade away. As the festivities continued outside, the only sound that mattered in that moment was the gentle rhythm of her breathing.

As I lay there beside y/n, her soft breathing and peaceful expression soothing my racing thoughts, a question began to form in the depths of my mind. Could she be my soulmate? 

I had always been cautious with my heart, a creature of both logic and emotion. But y/n had entered my life like a whirlwind, stirring up emotions I hadn't anticipated. The moments we shared, the connections we forged, they seemed to transcend the boundaries of our worlds.

The way our conversations flowed effortlessly, the comfort of her presence even in the quietest moments, and the genuine joy that lit up her eyes when we were together—it all felt like pieces of a puzzle falling into place. It was as if destiny had woven our paths together, guiding us toward this shared connection.

I gazed at her sleeping form, marveling at the serenity that graced her features. Her presence beside me felt right, as if it was where she was meant to be. And in that stillness, the question continued to linger: Was she my soulmate?

As the night wrapped around us in its embrace, I found myself pondering the idea that perhaps, just maybe, our paths had crossed for a reason. And as I closed my eyes, the gentle rhythm of her breathing serving as a lullaby, I allowed myself to entertain the thought that y/n could be the missing piece I hadn't known I was searching for.

Words: 1744

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