Part 20

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I opened my eyes and saw a beautiful pair of blue-colored eyes staring back at me. "Good morning," Lisa said in a sexy morning voice that had me squirming a little.

I smiled, leaned forward, kissing her lips, and hummed, "Good morning." I draped my arm over her body and slithered my way closer to her. "I love waking up, seeing you are looking at me, smiling, with you also still here lying in bed with me."

"Me too," she smiled. "I love it more than you know."

"I always hated it when you left me at night, in the middle of the night, or before I awoke in the mornings."

Her arm tightened around me, kissed my lips, then pressed her forehead to mind. "I always hated it too. And I dreaded that drive back to my place. But that won't be happening anymore."

I smiled and whispered, "Promise?"

"I promise."

Hearing that promise from her had me smiling bigger.

While looking at Lisa, my stomach was feeling funny, and I wasn't sure if it was a feeling of hunger or if I was about to be sick; and swallowed, trying to refrain myself from getting sick. I reached my hand to her lower lip and using my thumb, I caressed it while asking, "Are you hungry at all?"

She chuckled. "I'm always hungry for you."

"Not for me," I giggled, playfully shoving her. "I meant for food. As in, are you hungry for breakfast?"

"Again, I'm always hungry for breakfast. Meaning you," Lisa devilishly smirked, then hung out her tongue, flicking it up and down fast.

I laughed, playfully shoved her, then rolled out of bed.

"Nevermind. I'll start making you breakfast." Lisa bellowed a laugh as I stood off the bed and reached for my clothes.

As I bent over to put on my shorts, she playfully smacked my ass.

"Yes, Honey. I'm starving."

"Hey," I giggled, quickly pulling up my shorts. "I'll be in the kitchen making your breakfast," I said, putting on my shirt as I headed to the kitchen. I was still a bit nervous about making eggs, but knowing the expiration date was nearing, and I needed to get rid of the eggs, I decided to make Lisa French toast.

As I was preparing breakfast, I heard Lisa talking to someone in the other room. I stopped whipping the eggs and tilted my head, extending my ear and trying to listen to what she was saying. Then my heart and stomach dropped after overhearing her say, 'yeah, I love you too.' I set the bowl on the counter, then bent down, opened the cupboard, removed the griddle, then slammed the door as I stood. Next, I opened a drawer and angrily dug through it, looking for my spatula, then hit the drawer shut after finding the spatula I needed.

Lisa walked up behind me, rested her hands on my shoulders, then leaned over, trying to get me to look at her; when I refused, she slowly spun me around. "Why on earth are you slamming doors and drawers? What's wrong?"

I shoved her off and turned around after feeling tears flooding my eyes.

"Jennie? What's wrong?"

I shook my head, breathed in deep, and closed my eyes, taking some deep breaths to calm myself.

"Hey. Talk to me."

I wiped the tears away from my cheeks and said, "Who were you saying I love you too?"

Her hands lowered from me, then she softly chuckled. "I was talking to my mother." Her hands then rested on either side my hips and turned me to face her. She leaned forward, then lowered her lips to mine. "My parents would like to meet you."

Borrowed Time (JenLisa x LisKen)( GIP)Where stories live. Discover now