I nodded. "I can try."

Lisa lowered her hand, and when I placed my hand in her, she helped me stand, walked me to the living room, then she sat with me on the couch and pulled me in her arms. As we sat in silence with her caressing my arm, the comfort I've missed and have needed all week instantly came back. I was more than comforted; I was soothed and relaxed so much that I fell asleep. She, too, must have felt relaxed, that instead of making me something to eat, she fell asleep.

The next morning I awoke to the smell of food. The sausage and eggs' aroma was cooking, and it wasn't sitting too well with me. I looked at the table, saw Lisa had a glass of water waiting for me and reached for it. I quickly raised it to my lips and drank the entire glass of water.

As the water found it's way to the bottom of my stomach, it didn't take long for it to make its way back out, causing me to vomit all over the floor when I stood.

"I'm so sorry," I said as Lisa came to my aid and started cleaning up the mess I made.

"It's alright. I think it'll help once you get some food in that stomach of yours."

"Maybe," I sighed as ehe helped me stand.

I sat at the dining room table, staring at the plate of food Lisa placed in front of me. I wanted to eat. And I knew I needed to eat. But the problem was, I couldn't. The food didn't smell right, nor did it look good. I looked across the table, and as my eyes met Lisa's, I shook my head. "I can't eat this."

Her brows formed together and stopped chewing the sausage she had just put into her mouth. "Why not?"

"Because. It smells fucking terrible."

She chuckled. "There's nothing wrong with it. See. I'm eating it," she said, opening her mouth and showing me the remnants that were waiting to enter into her stomach.

It made me giggle, but I covered my eyes, anyway. "Don't show me that. It makes me feel sicker."

"Try to eat. Please," Lisa begged. "You said yourself, you haven't eaten. And by the sounds of it, you've been filling your body with alcohol. Not good, Jennie. And that could be why you're feeling as sick as you are. So, eat. Please."

I picked up my fork, dug it into the eggs, then scooped them into my mouth. As I started chewing and tried to swallow, I gagged, then opened my mouth and let the food fall to the plate. "I can't do it," I said, wiping my mouth. "Are these the eggs I had in the fridge?"


"I think they're bad."

Lisa smelled, then took another bite of her eggs, and as she swallowed, she shook her head. "They taste just fine. Besides, I checked the date on the eggs before I cooked them."

"Well, I just bought the eggs, so I know the date will show they're okay. But something is definitely wrong with them. They taste really funny."

Lisa twisted her lips as she looked at me. Or maybe even studying me. It looked like she was thinking hard. Then she looked down at her plate and scooped up some eggs on her fork. "I did see a pizza in the freezer. Would you like me to make that for you?"

"Sure. I did have a couple of slices of pizza yesterday, and amazingly enough, I didn't upchuck." I pushed my plate towards her. "Here. You can eat this."

Lisa picked up my plate, slid my food onto her plate, then headed into the kitchen, and got my pizza ready. I have to say, the couple slices of pizza I had eaten at the bar yesterday was the only thing I've been able to keep down, and I was looking forward to Lisa making that pizza for me.

As I sat, waiting for my pizza to finish cooking, I watched Lisa eat, thought about what got here today, and wondered if I am who she truly wants in her life. I want and need to be sure before I make the biggest mistake of my life.

Borrowed Time (JenLisa x LisKen)( GIP)Where stories live. Discover now