wild encounters and old friends..

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Mystake watched as her dear pupil ran ahead through the thick jungle leaves that surrounded the two, a sea of green flooding their eyes as the sun bounced off the vegetation.

Young Y/N was a firey spirit that had long hoped for an opportunity to help their oni friend to make her unique tea and maybe even teach them how to make it themselves, nevertheless they wished to make themselves useful.

Anyway, whilst Y/N was scurrying around looking for all the nessicary ingredients, a low humming could be heard. Y/N looked to the left of them to see the thick foliage that surrounded them, admiring the hues of green in the emerald sea.

They let a little smile creep upon their face and reached a hand out very slowly, clasping some leaves in their hand, feeling the velvety texture under their fingers. Y/N had longed to see the forest from up close, having heard many tales of its beauty from their teacher.

Mystake could been seen nearby, collecting berries and leaves of her own, knowing Y/N was perfectly capable of keeping themselves from anything stupid and dangerous without reason to. Trusting her student to be wary if trouble, she happily kept collecting herbs and leaves while occasionally checking off a list of ingredients she had compiled for their trip.

While the two silently, but good-naturedly, did their own thing with the forest goods that had them surrounded, deep the shades of jade was heard a roar.

The sound was like a jet take off, easily catching their attention and causing alarm. It was a deep, gruttle roar that sounded far from an animal and more like a monster from all the stories they had heard, and yet Mystake's face flashed to that of concern and worry. Y/N and the oni met each others eyes and took off to the origins of the noise, Y/N stumbling over roots and logs a few times but never did they reach the ground.

Eventually they found the source of the commotion; a large, black panther that bore strange markings on its skin that was etched with scars and faded wounds lay upon the ground, eyes narrowed and filled with pain with its one leg in a poor condition.. It's stong frame was battered with dirt from where it had hit the jungle floor and yet it hunched low, reering for an attack like the cornered animal it truly was.

"Steady now" Mystake said, more to the panther above everything else. Y/N looked at the large animal on the floor, curiosity and a hint if concern filled them as they watched on in interest.
The old lady approached the large animal with caution, her calm exterior never flatering nor changing..

"Now, now.." She spoke softly, getting ever so closer and closer to it. It bore its fangs, hissing and snarling at Mystaké as she continued to dare to approach. Somthing about her face came off as stern, prepared, more than anything. As Mystaké etched nearer to it, she could see a growing anger behind its eyes.

Mystake didn't take her chances and so cleared her throat, though she felt no fear, none at all. "Garmadon." She said clearly, taking Y/N by the slightest surprise.
'Garmadon?'  Y/N thought to themselves, slightly taken aback by the reveal, but not really suprised.

The panther that was apparently Garmadon only growled, still low with caution, not taking much convincing just by her saying his name.

Mystake looked at his with futher attention, nothing a blessing gash close to his rib cage and some smaller cuts and scrapes across his limbs, of which he only had four in his current form.

"What happened to him?" Y/N mumbled, having also noticed his state. "Is that from his ressurection?" They asked quietly. Mystake nodded slowly, hands outstretched slightly.

She frowned at the injured animal that Garmadon had disguised himself to be. "Unfortunately so. It appears to have left him in quite the state."

"Oh, young Garmadon, how long have you trapped yourself in that form? That isn't good for long periods of time." She continued, warning him of the possible risk.

Garmadon tried to roar at her but it came out as a strangled yell as his body began to contort back into that of an oni, his extra arms pushing put of his torso as it lengthened and changed.

He cried out as his paws turned to clawed hands and feet, his muzzle shifting awkwardly into a nose and a fanged mouth.
He was on his hands and knees, gasping for breathe as he finished his agonizing transformation.

Garmadon groaned as he collapsed onto the dirt beneath him, trembling with exhaustion from the tiring process. "Oh, look at you." Mystake put her hand on his head gently, conveying her pity.

Y/N was standing in percept silence, unable to remove the horrific sights and sounds that had just passed. "Damn..that was bad." Y/N frowned at the two.

Mystake turned to look at her student as Garmadon stumbled up onto his shaking knees. "Yes, I suppose it was." She agreed, looking to Garmadon who was deeply disgruntled and uncomfortable.

Y/N tilted their head at the oni, watching as Garmadon stared intensely at their teacher. "How are you alive? I killed you."
Oh right. That.

The question didnt upset Mystake, not in the slightes. She did her usualwitchy giggle and responded "You can never kill a full blooded oni so easily."

Garmadon was upset, on behalf of his past self, it hadn't worked, but kept his mouth shut to avoid upsetting her despite her good mood.. "what will you do with me now?" He grumbled, worried she would have plans for him.

With a faint grin, Mystake looked towards Y/N.

"Let us see.."

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