The Climb・Post 10

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As the ninja started the walk up the hill they proceeded to ask consistent questions to master wu if he was going to make it up the hill with enough energy to get back down.

"you know theres someone with us who's older than me" wu said pointing to garmadon who was helping pack water into the bags with Jay.

As if in response garmadon turned around and gave a blank stare before turning his attention back to packing.
"OK I think we're done here. Now let's get this over with" garmadon said handing the bag to kai who have him a slight scoul.

They all hated this but the thought could help the dark Lord better understand humans (dispite him originally being one).

~some time later on the 'hill'~

The ninja had gotten up the hill and were about a quarter of the way up the tracks before they heard the rocks on the path make a clattering behind them, looking back at garmadon and wu who were both walking normally only with a slither of sweat on garmadons face that was picked up on zanes scanners.

Zane dicided to ignore it as it had seemed normal but to his surprise both misako and wu asked garmadon if he was alright.

"OH I get it. It's because im the oldest one here that everyone thinks I'm struggling" garmadon huffed, his face turned into a scoul.
"NO no no. Its just...forget it" misako gave up almost instantly with Garmadon's attitude.

~another bit of time later~

Garmadon had fell behind the group panting heavily, they were nearly at the top and he felt like he was dying.
His desaturated magenta tounge hung out as he proceeded to draw in a ragged breath, his face a a tint of red in it that spread over his nose on to his cheeks and at the tip of his ears

Lloyd turned around to see this and with confusion filling his mind he asked his father that one continuous question.

"Hey dad. You don't look so good, are you alright there? Do you need help?"

"I'm f-fine Lloyd.." he huffed with exhaust in every breath, Lloyd turned around to continue walking up the path.

At that exact moment Garmadon's knees buckled beneath him make him grunt as his body fell close to the ground before Cole ran over to catch him, with much success.

As Cole clutched onto the exhausted man, Garmadons face was almost entirely red and his mouth was dry, Zane had ran through all of the possible reasons why he passed out, once he found some he announced his conclusion.

"ok I ran through the possibilities and have gained the 2 most reasonable ones. He could of passed out because of dehydration or overworking of his body. Its also I little known fact that oni's live in cold environments so the summer heat isn't helping. " Zane announced to the group of worried or annoyed people while Misako looked at him thoughtfully.

"OK, We need to get ourselves back to the mosastary and get garmadon some water and rest until he makes a full recovery. "Misako said moving to help Cole hold the unconscious man steady," Lloyd do you think you could use your dragon to get us there?" kai suggested, Lloyd bobbed his head (nodded 'yes')

~~when they finnaly got back and sorted~~

"will he be alright?!" Lloyd couldn't help but wonder what may happen to his father in this state, would he try and leave, would he blame them, would he be terribly sick. The list could go on and on in Lloyd's head.

"yes son, he's alright, just slightly different because of it. He isn't in a comfortable state right now and is exhausted. " misako was about to walk of when Lloyd grabbed her arm with a pleading look on his face.

"can I please go and see him" he pleaded, misako wasn't going to say no either way, but it wad good to take percortions and warned him to be gentle and quiet.

With that he ran inside, his father was lying in the bed with complete darkness and a fan going off to keep him cool, his back facing the door so no one could see his face; Lloyd looked at his father who was fast asleep.

It was strange for Lloyd he had only ever seen his father asleep when he passed out and thought it best to leave him now that he knew he was alright. He slowly went to leave before he felt a hand wrapped around his arm, he looked to see his dad's lower left arm hanging out of the duvet and holding Lloyd's wrist.

"don't... " those were the words Lloyd swear were from his head alone but no, his dad really said that. Mabye he wasnt too far from his humanity after all, however Lloyd could only hope that that was the case.

~~the next morning~~

Lloyd was suprsed to see his father up so early in the day, especially after the insident yesterday, but what was even weirder was his father's lack of usual armour; he was wearing somthing different. (😱 /j)

His hair was more like Lloyd's length but put into a small pony tail that just reached to the base of his neck, it was snowy white and had a loose piece of hair at the front which bounced up in front of him; he was wearing a desaturated cyan top that seemed iregularly stitched with a darker more blue shirt to cover his lower arms. He new navy-blue, baggy trousers, his black boots ending just below his knees, similar to the ones he saw Cole wear.

"dad?" Lloyd poked his head around the door more to look at his father, almost questioning him.

"morning." Garmadon replied in his usual low tone, but he didn't look angry, not like he usually did. "up so soon Lloyd? Shouldve know you an early bird, just like your mother." he continued, turning to look at the ninja's confused and confuddled green eyes.


The door slammed open against the wall behind it as a pissed of looking kai ran into the room making incoherent mubbles with the only word audible being Wu and Garmadon's name. Kai stormed off to his room leaving 2 very confused people alone again.

"mabye... you should go get someone to check on him..." Garmadon said turning back to Lloyd.

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