Entity's Mercy

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Saurian was completely on edge due to the sheer horror of all of these encounters he's had with these strange entities. One of the more frequent ones being one that just rushes through the room and Saurian has to hide in a closet in order to avoid it, but while at the same time, another entity occupies the closets with him, and he always feels a tentacle or two tickling him if he stayed in the closet for too long.

Opening a door labeled 027, the lights flicker again, and Saurian instinctively hides in the closet. He waits for the rushing entity to make its pass by, so Saurian can progress, but nothing came. Saurian stayed in the closet for too long out of fear, and the tickling tentacle monster appears once again.

"Get out..." It whispered.

Saurian froze up out of shock and fear, which irritates the entity even more and Saurian can feel more goopy tentacles surround his back.

"Get out...! Get out! Get out!" The entity then pushes Saurian out of the closet with its tentacles.

Saurian makes contact with his face to the floor, grunting as he face-planted. He sat up, and rubbed his nose to make sure he doesn't have a nosebleed. Luckily, he doesn't, but it still hurt, of course.

"Ow..." He winced.

Saurian swore he could hear snickering coming from another wardrobe across from him, but he dare didn't open that wardrobe after what happened.

Saurian progresses, but before he could walk through Door 028, he noticed an eyeball planted on the wall looking directly at him. Saurian stares at the eyeball, blinking a few times, in which the eye reciprocates, which freaks Saurian out a bit. He powers through the door, only to see more eyeballs planted on the walls in the next room.

Oh great...

Saurian gulped, steadily walking through the empty room while the eyeballs all look at him. Walking through Door-029, Door-030, and then Door 031. A long hall awaited Saurian, and the eyeballs were finally gone. Feeling a little more at peace, Saurian goes back to his normal walking speed, and even trots because of how long the hallway goes.

Just before Saurian thought that he'd get a break, he was about to open Door 032, when he heard something behind him, like something slimy was rising from the ground. Freaked out, Saurian rapidly turns, and just as he feared, something was rising from the floor.

An entity covered in a strange material of black goo, that also seems to take the form of a humanoid with one eye in the middle of its face just like Saurian, stared at him while it fully emerged from the floor. It then... stood there, just watching him?

Saurian gulped, and as an act of fear, he ran for it, throwing the next door open and began to sprint as fast as he could. He heard the entity suddenly scream of frustration as he could hear heavy footsteps behind him. It was chasing him!

Two bookshelves knocked themselves over in front of Saurian, and Saurian slid underneath one of the bookshelves before continuing to run. Saurian then enters an octangular room, that divides into two paths. He didn't have enough time to think as he ran for the left side, but the doors were either boarded up, locked, or didn't even have a doorknob! Saurian began to sweat and he sprinted to find the correct door, which he does, but so does the entity at the same time!

Saurian's pupil shrink to the size of a pebble, as he skids to a halt when he saw the entity turning to face him. He slides too quickly across the floor to stop himself that he falls backward, but that didn't stop him from desperately trying to get up and get away. But he felt something grab his leg and the entity was dragging him close to it. It seems to have the ability to form and summon gigantic, gooey arms and hands whenever it pleases.

DOORS: Gradual CorruptionWhere stories live. Discover now