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Saurian yawned with boredom as he sat on a sofa and read one of the books he found from the old bookshelves in the room. It was a book about some old cliche fantasy, where a knight has to slay a dragon to save his duchess in distress. Saurian scowled at the literature he was holding.

"Why is the dragon always the bad guy?" He said aloud, annoyed. He thought he was alone, so he had no shame for talking to himself; until he heard another voice in the room with him, it was a deep yet feminine voice.

"Wouldn't you like to know?"

Disturbed and alert, Saurian's ears perked straight up as he slams the book shut, tosses it to the side, hops off of the sofa, and looks around frantically. Suddenly, something lunges at him from behind and his face hit the floor with a lot of weight put onto his back.

"Ow!" He yelped. "What gives?!"

"Shut up." Spoke the feminine voice again in a demanding tone.

Saurian was quite a flexible and slippery one, so he quickly rolled himself around to look at his attacker and he was met with the piercing eyes of yellow and purple. He yelped again with startle and reared his head back until it hit the floor again. His attacker had the face of a horned skull with small ears and dark purple dreads. Their body was curvy but incredibly muscular, and their fur was silky yet sharp to the touch.

"Would you stop squirming, you little brat?!" The entity spoke harshly, placing its paw onto Saurian's neck and applying even harder pressure.

Saurian struggled to even gulp as he swore this would be the last thing he'd ever see, there's no way he could win against whatever the hell this beast is.

The entity snarled and it tried to get Saurian to sit still. Suddenly, he felt a sharp pain inject into his right thigh, and he screamed for a brief second before the entity slapped its clawed paw onto where his mouth should be.

However, soon enough, a new presence enters the room as Saurian felt the vibration of heavy footsteps. He looked to the side and saw what seemed to be a brick-red pelt, he knew that was Figure.

"What're you doing, Huntress? I heard screaming." Figure tilted his head in inquiry.

"Not now, Figure! I'm killing this wretch!" Huntress barked.

That's when Saurian realized something and his pupil widened.

This is Huntress? That's the girlfriend that Seek was talking about?! HER?!

"Oh - I'm sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt." Figure smiled meekly, not seeming to realize that Huntress is actually trying to kill someone he just started to get to know.

"... Figure!" Saurian muffled through Huntress' paw. Despite how much Huntress tried to silence him, Figure's hearing was outmatched, and he recognized Saurian's voice in an instant.

"W-Wait, Huntress! I actually don't think you should do that!" Figure suddenly peeped, moving to the side of Huntress and trying to gently nudge her away from Saurian.

"Huh- why not!" Huntress sneered.

"This is, uh, a new guy...! Seek said so!" Figure winced.

"And? Does it look like I care? Have you forgotten what I'm known for? I'll kill anything!"

"Well, no, but..."

"So shut it and let me do my work!"

"No, Huntress...!" Figure nudged Huntress' side with more force, causing the purple beast to actually tumble sideways, releasing Saurian from her grip. Saurian immediately took the chance to scatter and hide behind Figure fearfully, where he felt the blind entity wrap his tail around him protectively.

DOORS: Gradual CorruptionDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora