Author's Note

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i'm really tired and i have to be at work early tomorrow so i'll keep this short

not sure if im going to write the next bit. have some plans, but im really busy at the moment and it's like the lowest thing on my list rn

for now, definitely want to focus on my hotd fic, carter kane fic, and lotr fic so that's what will be updated soon-ish

however i will be writing some bonus chapters for this! percy's pov, them on a date (maybe), etc. so this isn't the very very final end, i'm sure i'll come back to update this. maybe soon i'll write the next section. 

have a good day! may update this tomorrow because im sure i forgot something

i did forget something !! but i remembered just now

im also planning on majorly editng this fic. not sure if i'll publish edits in a separate book or edit directly on here. i just don't want to lose all the comments. so i'll update you when i decide xx


Flowergirl, Percy JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now