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The trident sank below to the sea. With the sea witch dead, the garden creatures from her lair transformed back into the merpeople that disappeared years ago. It even brought King Gabriel back to life.

The trident was about to land on him but someone else grabbed it. It was Felix. He sighs in relief to see his uncle brought back, handing the trident back to him.

"You gave your life to save Adrien," Felix said.

"And he fought to get my life back," Gabriel said.

"He didn't fight alone, uncle. The human girl was with him. I saw with my own eyes. What matters now is he is safe" Felix said.

"He is right, your majesty" Nathalie swims in.

"I have always tried what's best for our people," Gabriel said.

"Yes, Your Majesty," Nathalie said.

"And what's best for my son. And I've done everything in my power to make him happy" Gabriel said.

"Well, not quite," Felix said.


Adrien was on the rock, looking at the castle, still sad that he couldn't walk on land anymore. He really wants to be with her but how can he be with her without his human legs? And how can Marinette be with him when she can't breathe underwater?

Gabriel emerges from the water a distance away, seeing how unhappy his son is, "He wants a different life, but I won't be able to protect him" Gabriel said.

"Well, that's what I always say. Children need to be free to live their own lives" Nathalie said.

"Oh, is it something that you always say?" Gabriel turned.

"Something like that," Nathalie said.

"And the life he chose is to be on land, uncle. It doesn't mean he'll forget us or his people" Felix said.

"True. There's just one problem left" Gabriel said.

"What is it?" Felix asked.

"How much I'm gonna miss my little boy" Gabriel replied and his trident glowed, traveling in the water towards Adrien.

He saw something glowing behind him and exclaimed to see his fish tail transformed into human legs, only this time with black silk pants so he wouldn't be naked again.

He glances at his father who did this, "Father?" He said.

Gabriel swims to him, "My son, you were right. The land and sea are one. I have raised you well and now this time, you have decided to live a new life with her. If your mother was alive, she would be so proud of you"

Adrien smiled at his father deciding to let him choose, "Thank you"


Marinette was outside sitting on the stairs, staring at the horizon, looking sad that her handsome kitty merman was not here. Ming Yue could see that her princess was looking gloomy, she nudged her to throw the stick for her.

"Okay, fetch" Marinette tossed the stick but she came back to her.

"Again? Okay" Marinette tossed the stick again and Ming went after it, only this time, Marinette didn't hear her coming, "Ming?"

She then looks aside seeing Adrien standing next to Ming, petting her head. Overwhelmed with emotion, Marinette hugged him and after pulling apart they leaned in to kiss.

The next day, a wedding on the ship was celebrated with people on the ship and merpeople in the water. Ming got in between Adrien and Marinette just after they kissed. Alya was so overwhelmed with joy she cried happy tears. From the waters, Gabriel, he now crown-prince Felix and the other merpeople watched the married pair.

Plagg and Tikki were on top of the wedding cake, overjoyed to see their owners married.

"It's beautiful," Tikki said.

"AAHH!!! Look out!" Plagg screamed.

The same chef chased after them, cleaving the top of the cake in two before running around with a knife. Plagg then slyly bites the ropes off and the log swings down, knocking the chef out while taking some teeth out before fainting.

"Ouch," Tikki cringed, "Really, Plagg? You stole his cheese again?" She glared.

"Yeah, they are so yummy," Plagg said.

"You're such a gluten pig" Tikki facepalmed.

Adrien looks over at his people cheering for him. Even the real Nathaniel was awake from his long sleep. His cousin grew long hair but no beard since he's far too young for one.

Gabriel hoisted himself up using the water to hug his son, "I love you Dad" Adrien said.

Gabriel then saw Marinette bow, then nod to give her his blessing.

Adrien saw the ghost of his mother near the deck, blowing a kiss to him, telling him how happy she was for her son to bring two worlds together.

Adrien smiled at her before she disappeared to be at peace now.

"At long last, we both earned a happily ever after," Marinette said.

"Not only that, a happily ever after for our worlds to come together. My mother always wanted that for a long time" Adrien said.

"And she was right all along. Take good care of my son, princess" Gabriel said.

"Of course your majesty," Marinette said.

Gabriel smiled and using his trident created a rainbow. Everyone cheered on while Adrien and his now wife Marinette joined them all. It turns out that both land and sea can be united.

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