Chapter 32: C or M or E ?

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im alive sorry i ll explain u guys ;p


Pov Amber:

Danny's out getting us some water because my throat hurtsc , meanwhile I'm doing nothing, staring at the ceiling.

How could this happen? How could I let Quinn and Anika die? God... Anika... She died in front of Mindy... Just imagining Tara dying in front of me brings tears to my eyes.How would I have reacted? I think I would have let myself die tbh, I couldn't have been without her.

Time goes by and Danny doesn't come back, he's taking a long time but he's just gone to get some water no? Maybe I've got no sense of time since what happened...I feel particularly well, I don't feel any pain, maybe because of all the pills I've taken, but I feel fine.I unplug myself and try to get up to see if I'm feeling okay just in my head or if I'm physically okay too. I manage to take a few steps and then lie back down. My leg pulls a little... Considering all the stab wounds I've taken, whether in the legs or the stomach... How did I survive? How is it possible that I don't die while people like Quinn do? People who asked for nothing and did nothing to seek this? She died because I became friends with her... Suddenly, my phone rings, startling me. It's lying on the table in front of the bed, so I get up and pick it up with difficulty before lying back down in bed.

I've had several messages from people at college asking how I'm doing, checking up on me, sending condolences for Quinn and Anika. Wow, news goes fast here. But I just got a message from an unknown number, it must be a disposable number.

There's nothing at all written in the conversation but there's an attachment, I click and it's a video, with the time and an address, I recognize, it's Gale's apartment, he just took the video when he sent it to me.


He's in the apartment, walking, hiding behind a wall and turning the camera, I see Gale and Dewey talking, I can't hear anything but I can see them. My eyes widen. It's impossible, I can't lose Dewey either... he's the only blood relative I've got left...I call him several times but he doesn't answer... What am I supposed to do? There's only one thing to do. I get up, take off my nightgown and grab some of my things from a bag on the floor. These are the things Tara had left for me when I got out of hospital. I get changed and turn my head to see that there are some car keys on the table. Danny... I grab the keys and head out of the room, up the elevator to the parking lot. I've got to find Danny's car now. I'm not even sure I can drive, the way it hurts to walk, but I've got no choice.

POV Tara:

We're in Kirby's truck with Sam, Mindy, Chad and Detective Bailey.

"I don't know what we're supposed to do," Kirby says.

"What???" I yell

"Should we go to Dewey's or the hospital?!" She says

"Are you kidding me??? Amber's missing from the hospital, she's the priority" I continue yelling

"Tara calm down" Chad says

"I think if she's missing... It could be that Ghostface came looking for her... and right now he's at Gale's.. So the smartest thing would be to go there directly, Bailey has already sent teams there." Kirby says

I pick up my phone and try to call Amber but it goes straight to fucking voicemail. I can't believe it... Amber might be somewhere in the hospital still... why isn't anyone thinking about her? Why won't anyone save her when she saves us all the time?Suddenly, the screens in the truck all start to light up.

"What the hell! It's never done that to me!!!" Kirby says as she clicks everywhere, it's like she's getting hacked.

"Try unplugging" Detective Bailey says

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21 ⏰

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