Chapter 28: Happy Birthday Tara

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That very late evening, Amber arrived in Woodsboro at her parents' home, where they had dinner and lots of conversation together before she went up to her room to rest and fall asleep.

The next morning.


I was so happy to have been able to chat with my parents last night, i really missed them and by their reaction when they saw me, i think that they missed me a lot too. I'm glad because in general they're not very affectionate, we don't talk much and then I see them very, very rarely because of their jobs, they're never around... The main reason I came wasn't just because I had to pick up few things or because i missed them, but because I had to have a discussion with Dewey about Stu and Tatum, and about Ghostface. He's lived in fear of dying for most of his life, and I need his advice to get better... Especially with what happened with Sam yesterday.

I felt like I could have killed her, I was able to do it, i'm sure of this... I felt a sensation of power, adrenaline, the desire to do harm as someone had done to me ... I feel like i've become someone else, someone who's capable of a kind of violence that's beyond measure ...

Anyway, today I need to see Dewey and talk with him, so I'm sending him a message, even though I'm stressed.

Me to Dewey:
Hey Dewey, how are you? I'm in Woodsboro, can we meet later today?

I've worked up the courage to send him this message, hoping he'll be available, normally yes since I'd already spoken to him about it, but well, you never know.

He replies directly.

Dewey to me:
Great Amber and you, how are you going?! We can meet in front of the police station around 1pm if you want ! Or 6pm, your choice. I'm glad you arrived safely

I automatically smile at that message, it sounds so sweet, so "protective"

Me to Dewey:
I'll be there at 1pm :)

I'm going to shower and get dressed, I need to be at least potable to talk with him, it's still important.

While I'm showering, I get a call from Mindy.

"Hello Mindy, ? I'm in the shower" I say
"I've already got you naked Freeman I don't care!!!" She says
"What do you want?" I ask her
"I want you to put your camera up so I can see you... GRRRR" She says laughing
"MINDY" I shout
"No, actually I wanted to know if you have anything planned for Tara's birthday on Monday?" She asks
"I wanted to do it at my place, is that okay?" I ask
"Should we tell Quinn and Anika to come?" She asks me
"If you think it's cool yes" I say
"Chad and Ethan too" She says
"Not Ethan wtf Mindy" I say.
"Why??" She asks me
"I don't know him I don't want him in my house" I answer
"You're afraid he'll steal your sweetheart ,your lover, your life, your baby, your pookie, your soulmate, your horse, your-" She says before I hang up on her.

Mindy is really unbearable when she gets down to it. And no, I'm not afraid of him stealing Tara from me, it's not a little prick like that with his badly curled hair who's going to steal my girlfriend from me.

I get out of the shower, have a quick chat with Tara and Quinn on message, and then get dressed. It's already almost 1 p.m., so I hurry to get to Dewey.

When I get to the police station, he's already there. I arrive in front of him and he gives me a little hug. I wasn't expecting it at all, but it makes me happy.

"Are you okay Amber? it's good to see you" He says smiling and holding my shoulders.
"Yes, I'm great," I say.
"Come on, let's have lunch, at the pizzeria down the street." He says

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