Chapitre 2: leave me alone girl

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Still Tara's pov:

I blame myself so fcking much. I realize now what I did, I left him for Wes. I put absolutely all my attention on Wes for literally 2 months. It's been 2 months since I asked Amber to go out, to come to my house, to eat together... She asked me out several times in the first month but I was too busy with Wes. I really hate myself. She has every reason in the world to replace me with Mindy and Liv, I'm not a good friend.

"I'm so sorry Amber... I really didn't realize, I'll never do that again... I-..." I say before she cuts me off.
"You know what Tara, I don't really care right now tbh I just want to go home and rest and we'll talk about it another time. Go to class, join them, join him. I'll see you tomorrow" She says to me
"Amber..." I say, looking at her.

She gets in her car, puts on her sunglasses and drives off, leaving me alone in the school parking.I just want to cry, I can feel the tears welling up in me. I wipe my eyes and go straight to the bathroom without looking back at the others.If it was anyone else I wouldn't care, butit's Amber, and I don't want to lose Amber, she's the most important person to me and I refuse to lose her over something so unimportant, impossible. Arriving in the bathroom, I look at myself in the mirror. "What have I become?" I say to myself. I'm no longer the laughing, smiling Tara I used to be, the "sunshine" of the group like Mindy used to call me. But what's changed in the meantime? What made me lose happiness? Amber. Not being glued to her like I used to be, that's the problem. We were used to hugging each other all the time, meeting up at each other's houses to watch movies and TV shows and eat together. For the past two months we haven't seen each other alone, but there was always Wes.


I don't feel comfortable with him, I know I'm not in love with him at all, but he's nice and he gives me a lot of attention. It's like the attention I haven't had since my father and Sam, my big sister, left. When I started getting closer to Wes I was the happiest person in the world, because I had Wes and Amber, but now I don't have Amber anymore. I realize what I've lost to have what I have now.

I lost my best friend for a flirt that will never work out because I don't even like him. I might like him if I have, like, 5 drinks, but that's it. I'm such an idiot.

I'm texting Amber

Me to Ambeeer ♥:

Amber I know you and I know you probably won't answer me but I'm truly sorry, I'll do anything to make it up to you I promise. I understand my mistakes and I know I did wrong. Rest well for your headache, see you tomorrow, I love you Amber, I really miss you.

The school bell rings. I put my phone away without necessarily expecting an answer. Knowing her, she probably won't answer today, at least not now. I go to my next class and sit down in a seat by myself so that no one sits next to me, especially not Wes.

Let's skip the class lol

Wes did nothing but stare at me during the whole class, he sent me a little note asking me why I didn't wait for him to sit next to him, I didn't answer. I'm tired of this situation, I just want to rest. Wes is very nice but he's not for me, he's too clingy, too soft, but I feel so sorry for him because I know he really loves me. I leave the classroom after class and walk home. I didn't say goodbye to the others because if I said goodbye to them I would have had to say goodbye to Wes and he would have insisted on driving me home. I just want to walk, get some fresh air and pass Amber's house. I need to check it out and see her.

I put on my headphones and finally take my phone back . I got a notification from Amber. God. I never thought she would answer so fast.

Ambeeer ♥:

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