Moments Like These

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Aizawa was telling everyone the rules of the internships and to respect their elders. Bill nodded their head as Izuku listened intently. Aizawa glared at Bill's lack of attention until Izuku gave him a thumbs up. He sighed and waved for the students to get on their respective buses. Bill stuffed their phone in their pocket and boarded the train, quickly sitting in the nearest spot available. They turned to their side to see Izuku bouncing in the seat next to them, rambling about their newest adventure. He was excited to see new sights and do new things.

Bill smiled warmly at the bright sunshine child next to them, knowing full well that he'd get exactly that. It was moments like these that made them glad they came to this world.

. . .

Bill arrived at Mirko's hero agency and gave it a once over. It was a reasonably average-sized office building with a simple design. No colors or lights, just windows, and walls. It looked like a completely normal office building for some major firm company. And yet, this was the building of a combat-based hero. Bill wasn't usually made for combat, as they were used to relying on their quirk/magic to solve everything. And while their quirk was powerful enough to take down even the strongest villain, what would they do without it? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Bill had already started physical and combat training when the plan to become a hero was first laid out, so they were fit enough to hold their own, but they didn't have any real fighting experience aside from the USJ, and even that required them to use their magic to its maximum power. They hadn't expected to be overpowered like that, but it taught them what they needed to know. They need to get stronger.

And that's why they were here.

Bill opened the glass door and checked in with the receptionist. Izuku stood quietly next to them as they scribbled their majestic signature. He sensed a presence coming towards them at dangerously high speeds and pushed Bill down, allowing Mirko herself to fly over them. She was quick to recover and jumped straight for Izuku, preparing a powerful punch. He was quick to block it and push her back with a void-filled pulse. Bill was quick to take control and go on the attack, but before they could clash-- "NO FIGHTING IN THE LOBBY!!" came the voice of the receptionist, causing the two to come to a screeching halt right as they were both about to hit the other. Bill was the first to retreat, and Mirko followed through seconds after. Neither wanted to disobey the scary woman at the counter.

"You must be my new intern. Glad to have you, Illuminati. Though I would have liked to know about your partner in crime there," she said, pointing to the void/ghost child next to Bill. "Sorry to spring this on you, but we're kind of a package deal. Hope you don't mind," Izuku explained. Bill looked away sheepishly, now realizing they forgot to put that detail on their application. "Sorry, Mirko-san. It was a rather recent addition that I had forgotten to mention..." they added. Mirko gave an unimpressed look but shook her head. "Well, no use in turning back now. Besides, I think it'll be more fun this way. Now I get to make you two the most destructive duo ever!" she laughed. Bill relaxed at her acceptance while Izuku got stars in his eyes.

"Now, let's hit the gym, you two. It's training time!"

. . .

Bill will not admit that they got their ass handed to them.

They didn't get a single hit in, even with Izuku's help. But because Izuku had infinite energy, he was still training with Mirko. That's not to say he was winning, no he was just as bad as Bill, if not worse. The training was hand-to-hand combat, as expected, so both of them had to restrain from any quirk/magic use. Izuku put all of his power into making himself physical and only floating himself a foot or two off the ground. Izuku was progressing by leaps and bounds (pun intended) while Bill was over here passed out on the floor covered in bruises and welts. Mirko called time and they both stopped fighting. He flew off to the cooler and threw her a bottle of water while setting one next to Bill. Bill forced themself to sit up and take the bottle, hissing in pain as they did so. Izuku used his void to heal them-- which was much appreciated-- though that did nothing for their exhaustion.

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