“..crap.” Getting his phone out, phoning his roommate, yet left on voicemail. “Great. Now I have to wait for the storm to pass by.” The wind picked up speed, the rain getting heavy. Agust and his friend walked out, getting in his car. “What do we do about my things? I can’t just go to a new house and have furniture already there.”

“You’d have to pack everything in boxes, move them in one by one.” Agust shrugged, starting his car. Immediately hearing a big roar of thunder, his eyes looking around. Seeing Yoongi standing up in front of the building. “Namjoon, roll your window down and ask if the boy needs a ride home. He looks like he’s waiting for something.” Namjoon rolled his window down, looking at Yoongi. “Sir! Did you need a ride home?” He called out. Yoongis head lifted from looking at his phone, his head turning towards whoever spoke. “Oh, er- sure.” His feet shuffled quickly over to Agusts red Lamborghini, opening the back door, getting in quick.

“Thank you so much- oh nice car..what kind is it?” he had to ask, the interior was clean, shiny, and leather-y. Nice to the touch, comfortable to sit on. “Lamborghini. My friend here bought it for me, he has a high paying job.” Namjoon smiled, looking back at the Starbucks employee. Yoongi looked at Namjoons face, immediately recognizing him. “Wait, you’re- Deep breaths, Yoongi, deep breaths.” He told himself over and over,.not realizing he was saying it out loud, echoing through the car. Clearing his throat, swallowing what was in his esophagus, looking up.

“Anyways..” Yoongi told Agust his address, hoping his roommate didn’t mind. Although, his roommate would probably be out and about, shopping, getting food, or just making out with his boyfriend. They always did it on his couch, apparently a great place to make out. Agust pulled up to the house, parking in the driveway. “You live in a mansion, Yoongi?” He pondered to the other, seeing him nod in the rear view mirror.

“This is me and my roommates mansion, we bought it together. I had a..high paying job, but, it went downhill. Now I work at a Starbucks. Anywho, thank you for taking me home, here’s some coupons for next time you come in. Stay safe and be careful out there.” Yoongi opened the door of the Lamborghini, stepping out with happiness in his eyes, running towards his door, opening it with a gold key he had made with the money he sto- earned from his other job, the money paid way higher than he expected.

Walking in, the door slammed shut from the wind, scaring the male into locking the door. His shoes came off, apron pressed into the washing machine (heart), sweater off revealing a toned body, tiny hip dips, a tiny chub on his lower abdomen. “I have to go work out soon..all this coffee is making me gain.” He heard a groan from another room, echoing across the mansion. “Taehyung? You’re home?” He called, seeing his roommates head poke into the laundry room where he had been doing his clothing.

“Yes, I’m home. Why are you back so early?” Taehyung asked, leaning against the frame of the door. “Because, there’s a thunderstorm coming and my boss let me go home early. I got sent to voicemail when I called you, why is that?” Yoongi raised an eyebrow, pushing his locks of hair out of his face. “My boyfriend was over.” His mouth let out a breath of despair, rolling his almond eyes. “Always with the boyfriend.”

“You don’t have one?”

“No. I’m 20 years old, I still have a life to live.”

“You got to get yourself out there, Yoongi, you’re going to be alone forever.” Taehyung walked over to his roommate, massaging his shoulder blades with his hands, moving the sides of his hands rubbing down Yoongis neck. “You smell like coffee. The job take you in?” Yoongi nodded, groaning at how good the massage was on his shoulders. “Boss treats me well. Met someone today that looked..very similar.” He took the clothes out of the washer, placing them in the dryer, turning it on with a button. “Similar how?” Taehyung asked. “Clothing wise..similar taste of food, hobbies?” Yoongi leaned against the washing machine (heart), crossing his arms. “Looks. He has my eyes, my face..the only thing is, he has a scar on his eye. And another thing, his name is Agust.”

“Like the month?”

“No. A..to the g, to the u..and s-t. Agust.” Taehyung hummed, taking Yoongis arm, starting to massage it as well. “That’s odd.” Yoongi watched his roommate massage his arm, nodding. “He’s interesting indeed. He works for the police in this area, I saw. His jacket had the logo.” Taehyung took Yoongis other arm, starting to massage it. “Uh-oh. You know what that means.”

He looked into the eyes of his roommate. Yoongis face turned into a confused one. “What? What do you mea- ohh. Yeah, I get it now.” Finally getting it, his cheeks turning red. “I like a guy who’s strong, though. And, he has a Lamborghini.” Taehyung stared at Yoongi, smiling. His friend had a crush, and the boy looked like the crush was genuine. Cooing softly, he poked fun at Yoongi. Yoongi let out a small groan, hearing the dryer go off, getting out his sweater he had on during work.

“He’s friends with RM.”

“No way.”

“Oh my gosh, yes way.” He moved the sweater over his head, popped his arms in the sleeves, rolling it down his torso. “I almost panicked in front of him, but I met him. He bought Agust his red Lambo apparently.” A knock was heard at the front door of their mansion, both of them looking downstairs. Taehyung quickly went down the steps, opening the front door. “Hello, I’m looking for a..Min Yoongi?” He looked upstairs, watching Yoongi walk down. “Who’s at the door, Tae?” Yoongi had asked, looking in the doorway.

“Oh, hello, Agust. What brings you here?” His head tilted to the side. Agust took out a pin, handing it out to the other. “You lost your pin in my car, and I wanted to return it. Namjoon said you’re pretty cute and to let you know..” He reached in his pocket, taking out a ticket and handed it towards Yoongi. Yoongi took the ticket, inspecting it. Once he realized it was a front row ticket and VIP pass, his eyes widened. “Are you serious? Taehyung, I’m going to go see RM!!” He told his roommate with excitement, smiling brightly. Agust chuckled, getting out a second front row ticket and VIP pass, handing it to Taehyung.

“Holy shit.” Taehyung spoke, covering his mouth. “I’m sorry, officer.”

“Hey, no worries. Yoongi?”

Yoongi looked towards Agust. His heart beating in his chest, and his cheeks turning red. ”Yes?”

“Namjoon said you were adorable. Have a nice day now, gentlemen.” Agust walked off, getting inside his police car, driving off to the station. Yoongi shut the door, looking at Taehyung. Taehyung looked at Yoongi. They both had the same expression, big smiles, holding back screams. “Three..two..” Yoongi held his breath, as so did Taehyung. “One!” They both screamed happily, hugging each other and jumping up and down like a kid getting a new ice cream after their other one had fallen onto the ground, or a kid getting to see their favorite movie. “No way he just did that to us! Best day ever!!” Taehyung and Yoongi scrammed off to their rooms to get everything ready for the concert.

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