Chapter 23

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Emberlee hadn't been lying when she said she had limited time to read for leisure. Shortly after her debut word finally came in from Stussica that Count Glen Piiklani wanted permission to enter Xutia and reclaim his son. He'd already travelled to the Stussican border to await approval, and it was almost touching to learn he was excited to claim his son. But it also meant she was inviting a Stussican Noble to the Xutian Court when she'd originally intended to have moved into the permanent hotel suite she'd been gifted before now. And then she'd gotten engaged and almost murdered in a very short timeframe, so living in a public access building was right out of the equation. So she requested the use of a sitting room to meet Count Piiklani in, arranging for Vera the Imperial Physician to bring Josson in as well.

"He's healthy, and should be good to travel with his Father," the Physician confirmed, actually handing Emberlee Josson as if she needed to check the babe herself before leaving without another word.

Despite not having handled an infant since before Aubin died, Emberlee easily took the baby and held him with care. Aubin had similar colouring to Emberlee, but Josson was all glorious contrasts to her, his hair was white, his eyes were dark, and he was already a richer tan than even Prince Damien. He was so obviously Stussican that it was almost laughable that Jimena was planning to try and pass him off as Father's child. Yes Xutia had some blonde, but nothing too pale, and some range in skin tones, but there wasn't a single person who could look at this child and confidently claim he had Xutian heritage. Still, he was adorable in the way that babies were supposed to be. Fat cheeks, grabby hands, squirmy body, and a strangely soft smell that only babies ever seemed to have.

"Josson Piiklani, you're going to meet your Father today," She didn't use the strange babble voice she'd heard some use on infants, even though she knew he'd never remember this encounter. "I hope that this is the most political moment of your life and that from here on out you can live well and peacefully."

"Odd sentiment to wish a future Count," Prince Damien hadn't even bothered to knock before entering this time.

"Stussican Count," she reminded, not bothering to ask why he'd decided to include himself in this transfer. "And considering the nature of his parents, you can understand why I've wished what I had."

"Considering that the nature of his Father is why I am here, I can't object to your statement," Prince Damien sat next to Emberlee on the couch. Glen Piiklani was a married man who'd fathered an illegitimate child with his late brother's widow, and he was making his current wife adopt that child as her own after returning with him.

Emberlee did wonder what would have changed if Jimena hadn't been convicted of filicide and arson; if she'd kept legal rights to Josson, she'd have a basis to demand mistress status back in Stussica. But in the end, Jimena's nature won out and she'd become a non-person in the eyes of both Nations.

The arrival of Count Piiklani, and his wife, came after they'd given the obligatory presentation to the Emperor. Two things were immediately apparent on their entry, one- Josson took after his Father who was as white blonde as the babe, and two- Countess Piiklani ran the show. Her hair was a riot of curls, as golden as the sun, and tied with an obscene amount of Stussican bows, and she led their introductions even though her eyes never left Josson in Emberlee's arms. She'd expected resentment and dutiful care at best, but it seemed that not only was Countess Piiklani not upset at her husband's affair baby, but she was excited to Mother the child. And despite her recent machinations and proclivity towards violence; it helped Emberlee feel better about relinquishing the baby to them.

Negotiations of this nature were normally difficult due to the nature of an illegitimate child who was also the Heir. Adding in the international politics of the specific situation should have made for an uncomfortable discussion; legally Emberlee could have claimed the babe as part of the restitution Jimena's actions had incurred. At best the Piiklanis would likely have to offer a resource of value to trade, but Countess Gemini Piiklani immediately offered something for better; a friendship not between Stussica and Xutia, but the Piiklani County and the Ortega March. Like Xutia, Stussica had to redistribute the Noble Houses to take over the new lands; as a reward for their contribution (in the form of money), the Piiklanis were given the coastal County that was formerly part of the Guita Provinces.

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