Chapter 20

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Certain benefits and drawbacks of Emberlee's situation became readily apparent in the days that followed waking in the Imperial castle. Emberlee was in the beating heart of the Courtly Game, able to set the trends instead of reacting to them. However, she was doing so while forced to borrow Princess Vivian's Stussican-inspired wardrobe. She could plot and plan with either Oberon or Prince Damien after a mere request to meet, but all information trickled its way to her. She could speak to her Uncle via the Mirrors, but not step through. And she was guarded against the Empress' attacks but couldn't escape the prying eyes of all those watching to gather her equilibrium.

Jimena had birthed a son, so blonde his hair was white and as healthy as could be desired. Due to her injuries and the state of the investigation, the babe was taken from her to be placed in the care of the Physician Emberlee had claimed. And then Emberlee was given the option to name him, as Count Piiklani had yet to send word. As she'd learned, Names have power, so she chose carefully for the innocent little one.

"Josson Piiklani," in Stussican culture she'd learned that an illegitimate child was given the Paz designation as part of their last name.

She'd spared him that by registering him Xutia's records without it; meaning they acknowledged the child's legitimacy. The Count could contest it but then he'd be bastardizing his child, and she knew he wouldn't do that for the same reason he hadn't sent word to claim Josson yet; he was waiting for Jimena's trial. Once she was found guilty and given her punishment, she'd automatically lose all maternal rights to the babe, allowing his wife to legally adopt him. Emberlee could only imagine how that woman felt throughout all of this, repeatedly betrayed and now expected to act like all was well no matter what.

Emberlee absently sympathized as she regarded her attire; today was Jimena's interview and they were preparing to depart to the Ivory Tower. Jimena had only been incarcerated this morning due to the Physician's college choosing to release her a week after Josson's birth, so Emberlee had very few suitable outfits for such a venture. Princess Vivian was a bright tulip, suiting all the wildflower colours her closet embodied, but Emberlee had become accustomed to less vivacious tones. And not many items would fit her well without alteration, adding another complication. Given the serious nature of the visit, and the technical state of mourning she'd be expected to acknowledge, she wanted to opt for a darker-toned outfit. With the parameters required and restrictions that had to be adhered to, Emberlee found herself in a Stussican-styled gauze-silk gown that had black and red roses hand painted on the skirt. It would do once she added a black belt and gloves to try and tore down the dress, but at least it worked with the red earring Prince Damien had gifted her.

The man himself knocked at her door and entered without waiting; even though she'd been moved to a more permanent and secure room. By now it didn't bother her but what did bother Emberlee was just how much the Crown Prince's attire looked like a matched set to her dress. Black trousers and a jacket in the same grey colour, heavily embroidered with back and red roses identical to the ones on her dress. All that talk about being patient had been an exaggeration. "Are you about ready to go Marchioness?" He didn't seem bothered by her judgemental regard as he offered her a gentlemanly escort.

"I've been ready to go since I came to the Capital Prince Damien," she wasn't lying and graciously took his arm.

Emberlee's stay at the Imperial Castle had been met with some jealousy, but a lot of social sympathy. She'd gone from the disobedient child pretending to be a Marchioness in their eyes to the enduring survivor of untold abuses; because if Jimena were willing to kill her own flesh and blood daughter, a stepchild must have barely survived. It wasn't exactly the narrative that had happened, but it wasn't a bad view to allow them to have. Especially as she'd asked to be a part of Jimena's interview.

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