As long as you're either the king or queen, your wish is their command, and they must do it.

Everything was going as planned. The decorations and how crowds were pulling out as every single one of the demons attended, even when I knew how much they hated me in their hearts.

None of them would dare spill anything against me because it would result in death.

Every part of the ceremony and festival rituals went smoothly until it was finally the designated time for me to be crowned queen.

I had felt a kind of foreboding sensation at that moment, anxiety washing through me as if something bad was going to happen. It was as if Ella's eyes were on me, but I shoved the thoughts away, believing I was just overthinking because there was no way she could enter this clan.

Never did I think that a knight's daughter would go so far as to help Ella, our greatest enemy. I had been stylishly looking for her among the crowd and couldn't find her, but I didn't think it was something to be concerned about.

"Now, our new queen will be crowned. Rise to your feet! The announcer's voice echoed, and I could see how they reluctantly stood with deep frowns on their faces, but who cares?

I don't fucking care if they like me or not. It still doesn't prevent them from being beneath me all the days of their lives.


I scoffed and beamed as I stood with the demon king smiling and winking at me.

The crown was brought out by one of the knights who was to crown me, and he kept forcing his smiles.

I stepped forward and knelt before him, grinning from ear to ear. This was the best moment of my life.

"Today, I, the..."

An arrow from somewhere I don't know fired it's way directly at the crown, snatching it out of his hand and sticking it to the wall in what appeared like a flash.

There was an uproar as everyone began to roam their eyes around in search of who did that.

"Who did that? The king roared at the crowd, but silence was the reply.

I drifted my eyes at the arrow and saw a paper stick to the edge. I stood and went over, picking it out.

My heart began to race as I recognized the handwriting as that of Ella.

"It is over, bitch! I read, sending chills of overwhelming fear down my spine.

The king came over. "What is written there?

His questions sounded distant as fear shook me more.

"Get the crown on my head, now! I shouted at the knight, as that was the only thing that would give me the authority to command the armies to war, as I knew the king wouldn't have the courage to do that.

"Do as she said! The demon king added, and the arrow was plucked out, bringing out the crown, but just as it was about to be placed on my head, the same arrow was fired, and this time it struck down the knight dead instantly.

More outbursts ensued from the crowd.

What is happening? Guards! Protect us!" The demon king thundered, trying to hug me, but I shrugged out and bent to pick up the crown and place it on my head, but the bodyguards he beckoned on didn't do as he said, allowing another arrow to hit my leg at that moment.

"Ahhh!" I burst into a loud cry.

"It is over, bitch! The voice of Ella broke in, and a path was created among the crowd for her and the knight's daughter with her mate. The three were walking majestically towards me, with no one attempting to stop them.

"Kill them!!!" I shouted, but everyone stood still. "Are you all deaf?

"They want you dead, so they won't attack anyone who is here to help them." The knight's daughter snickered as they climbed up to the stage.

"What the hell are you doing?" The demon king growled.

"To save our land. This woman is about to destroy us. She wants war for her own safety, not minding how many of us get killed. She doesn't belong here and should go and pay for her crime instead of using us as her shield." She poured to the demon king, who suddenly sensed truth in her words.

It was as if his eyes had opened. "You're right! I've been losing many lives recently because of her.

"Don't believe this."

I couldn't say further as a hot slap from Ella shut my mouth. Out of rage, I attacked her, but her mate wouldn't even allow me to stress her before coming in with a powerful blow on my stomach that forced blood out of my mouth as I crashed to the ground.

"Please order your warriors to take them away from here. They want to kill me. I plead with the demon king, but for the first time, he looked away from me.

"No." He stated this and kneeled before Ella.

"I know you're the chosen one from the moon goddess to destroy us, but please give us a second chance to follow the right path.

*What!" I exclaimed.

"We need her. Hand her to us, then! Ella said, and he nodded.


"I thought you loved me?"

"I have a queen already, and that's her. Not you." He responded, pointing at the knight's daughter.

There were screams and noises of jubilation from the crowd. The happiness that had been lacking since the start of the event coursed into everyone immediately as I was shackled and dragged out like an animal, scorned and spat on by the demons gathered as they hailed and thanked Ella for taking me away.

"Are you going to leave these evil demons unharmed? I seethed in shame, but a hard booth was kicked at my face, shutting me up immediately.

It was actually over. The demons were given a second chance to make right their wrongs, but I was excluded. Ella was never going to spare my life.

That was how I ended up in the gallow after months of being treated like a slave by Ella and her mate, who got married happily as the rulers of both the Lycan kingdom and the Wolf Pack.

My life ended with no family, children, or anything to be remembered with.

Fuck it.

The End.

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