Chapter 12

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Months passed, and the urge to kill myself kept increasing. From dusk to dawn, I worked hard like a slave, and still they all wouldn't get satisfied. The mistreatment and bullying had become so unbearable and grueling that I began to notice that life was gradually draining from me.

I was everyone's servant, including the lowest omega in the pack. The royal pack house was like hell, with beatings and difficult tasks; then, outside this mansion, there was my pack, which was like a deep tunnel of doom. I was scared to step out of the house.

Almost every pack member who sees me starts bullying me, throwing refuse and dirt in my face, slapping and knocking me off the ground while everyone laughs and enjoys the show, chanting about me being a demon and a curse to the land.

The glaring pain from their betrayal won't stop jarring deep into my heart—I kept seeing familiar faces who were once so nice and respectful to me being the first to throw stones at me. It hurts. It just hurts so much and so intensely that I always wonder how I managed to get through the night and see the next day fully alive.

All over my skin were designed with bruises, cuts, welts, stripes, and scars, and I was more lean and sick from the suffering and hunger. My father had told everyone that I planned to use the Lycan prince as a tool to destroy the pack and everyone in it.

He told everyone I used forbidden black magic to create a lovebinding spell for the Lycan prince so I could control him as a puppet and cause destruction and countless deaths.

When everyone heard this, their hatred and disgust for me skyrocketed to their peak, which explained why each time I stepped out of the royal pack, everyone who saw me would leave whatever they were doing just to taunt and bully the hell out of me. 

I would never have believed my father could go to this extent of making everyone turn their back on me if I didn't hear him with my own ears. My father hated me for killing the Luna, which was his first mate, but it was never this extreme. Laura was all behind it. She badly wanted me to kill myself.

My father, Laura, and Scarlet seemed to have turned into monsters since the Lycan prince appeared and vanished, with me as their favorite prey whom they tormented at every opportunity.

Just like every other morning, I woke up one certain day, feeling feverish and exhausted to the core. My head was banging, and I could feel the hotness of my skin as it burned at high temperatures.

My sunk-in stomach still ached from starvation, and the legs that should have carried me out of bed to begin my housework seemed paralyzed. I was more like a dead girl, and one could only realize I was alive by the sound of my heavy and rough breath.

My eyes were weak and squinting as they tried to close while burning with hot tears, which didn't take any more seconds to pour down profusely.

My lips trembled, but there was no sound I could make, not to mention crying out. My throat was just dry, and everything was hazy in my mind. Death was actually knocking, and this was one of those moments in life where one would realize it was coming to an end.

I knew my end was near, and all I had to do was sit back and wait for it to take me away.

"We will...eventually..die." My wolf slurred and let out a very sad laugh. That kind of laugh that comes from a broken, hopeless heart.

Every word I wanted to say came out as a mere gasp. All my strength was gone. Recalling that I once thought I was a powerful hybrid because of those overwhelming powers when I attacked and killed my mother began to sound so ridiculous, stupid, and taunting to me.

The powers only came to destroy my life. Yes, that explained why it helped me kill my mother but never returned to save me from all this calamity that was plunging me into the shadow of myself. Even Laura told me she was afraid of that beast that helped me take away my mother's life, but where were they now that I needed them?

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