Chapter 43

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Ella's POV

I was almost in tears as I strode through the passage, heading out of the royal packhouse, a place where I was born and bred. A place that I once called home and found peace and love.

My eyes were already wet as I fought back my tears, wondering how things changed so fast.

The people I called my family were my worst enemies, who hated me so much that it appeared so unrealistic. I had been missing for two days, and my father had already arranged a meeting to discuss a celebration.

My death was a celebration and great news to them all because their dumb heads thought I was a demon spy. They see me as a curse, not knowing that I have their lives on my palm. Whether this pack exists or not lies in my palm.

Those two days, I had met face to face with the godmother of the werewolves. The moon goddess had taken me into the spirit realm, right in the heart of the moon, far away from earth. A place that had no sorrow or trace of pain. It was like a paradise where everyone would die to live in. It had everything that could make life so much sweeter and more overwhelming.

Right up there, I was able to see everything that was happening in this pack in the pool where she took me. The moon goddess was a lady that portrayed everything defined as perfect beauty. Her eyes are like magic that binds one under its spell and turns you into her subject because of how pretty they are.

Her elegance was out of this world, and she held so much authority and power that even the most powerful being on earth would fall to their knees at her presence. Words can't explain how magnificent and magically endowed she was.

She treated me like a daughter and apologized for all the pain I had gone through on earth while I was gawking as if it were all hallucinations. I found it really hard to believe it was happening for real, because how would a god like her apologize to a nobody like me.

She told me I was like a daughter to her and had chosen me to become her vessel to fight against the demons who planned to destroy her creations, which were the werewolves. She made me realize that the devil was the mastermind behind the demon attack because he wanted revenge for something the moon goddess had done to him in the past.

The demons are the devil's tool, while she was able to pick me up to stand in the gap and stop the invasion that would wipe us all away. That was the reason the demons wanted me dead so badly, because they realized that I was the link through which the moon goddess would come down on earth to destroy them for the last time.

I was overwhelmed by everything she told me and really couldn't grasp it all. It was both interesting and scary as she relayed the story of the devil and his evil plots and wickedness.

When I asked about the Lycan prince, she smiled and placed one of her hands on my shoulder, taking a deep breath.

"Love is the key to my invincible powers to defeat the demon clan. Whatever goes on between you and your mate is a puzzle only you have to solve because it is in your heart. Just know that he needs you more than you need him, so don't allow him to hurt you anymore." That was what she told me.

I didn't believe her. She might be right, but it didn't look like that. Deep in my heart, I knew how deep and intense my love for Dracula was, but that wasn't the same for his toward me. It took me less than an hour to dump me and go for another girl. He hurt me and joined others in believing I was a demon.

If he truly needed me that much more than I do, why would he easily push me away and break me with hurtful words without feeling any remorse or pain in his heart?

The moon goddess gave me magic powers and abilities to stop anyone from hurting me anymore, and I've first tested the special powers on those royal guards. It was really amazing that I almost shrieked, stunned at what I did, but I quickly controlled myself and hid my joy to appear more mysterious to them.

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