Chapter 24

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My lips clamped shut as I was instantly paralyzed by the horrifying sight in front of me. I watched as black, pointed claws jutted from her fingers, and her skin appeared paler than usual while those bloody red eyes stared right into my soul.

I found it hard to breathe as my heart kept hitting so hard inside my chest that I thought it was going to break out of my ribs. I couldn't believe my sight and wished it was a dream, but I knew so well that this was happening in reality and that it was possible that I was going to die now.

I was petrified, and when I saw her walk closer, I knew it was the end of me. Laura was actually a demon, just as Ella had warned me, and now I guess it was too late to believe her. I just hope the alpha finds out earlier before she destroys this pack.

"Now you truly know who I am!" Her deep and scary voice echoed in my ears, shooting extra fright inside me as I nodded uncontrollably.

I saw her let out a smirk before backing away from me. In a blink of an eye, everything disappeared, and I was faced with Laura again. 

"Laura, you are a demon?!" I cried out, still frozen in shock. I was also scared to look at her face when she turned and peered at me. 

"Ella has to die." She whispered to me, her voice cold like ice.

As she said that, I recalled Ella telling me her presence was the reason why the demons couldn't do anything. Does it mean she was right in all she said? This means I have to protect her life at all costs!

"But how?" I sighed, breathing shakily.

"Torture. Unbearable one. But this time we aren't going physical. She has a strong healing ability, and her tolerance has grown over time. We are going to tamper with her mental and psychological health now." Laura spoke with a little smile crossing her face.

"What...? We? Me and you?" I sneered.

"I know you are reluctant to listen or do what I say after finding out who I am, but you don't have any choice, little girl." She taunted, letting out a smug smile, and I guess she was observant enough because there was no way I would work with a demon to destroy this pack.

She must be a joker to think I would help her get rid of Ella so she could bring her legion of demons here.

"Laura, I know your secret. You can't fool me. Thanks for clarifying for me what Ella told me. You are working for the demons, and your mission is to get Ella killed because she has the powers that prevent you all from attacking and also render you all powerless to kill anyone here. I am sorry to disappoint you." I paused and stood up, walking closer to her with my hand on my waist.

"It's better you kill me now, but since you don't have the power to do that, get ready to be hunted down by our warriors and pack hunters. You have failed!" I spat, glaring into her eyes, as I felt more courage building up in me.

I thought what I said would make Laura get a little bit scared or worried. I expected to see her eyes narrow and her brows arch in shock and fear as I looked at her face, but instead I heard her burst into uncontrollable laughter.

She laughed so hard and wild that tears were even forming in her eyes. The laugh was a scornful one, directed at me as if I had just made a fool of myself. 

"You believed and trusted Ella so fast and easily?" She sneered and began to laugh again. I became confused and frightened immediately as I thought of the possibility that Ella had lied about some part of her story.

What if Laura still has the power to destroy me?

"What are you saying?" I snapped, and she stopped laughing. She then brought out a ring from her pocket, which she wore on her middle finger.

"I knew a day like this would come when I would need your help urgently, and you might prove stubborn. That is why I have been poisoning your food with the eggs of my demonic serpent. I'm glad they've all hatched and are inside your body. Ella is correct—I can't use my powerful demon ability, but I can control you," she snickered, and my eyes narrowed.

I was still trying to comprehend what she meant when a very sharp and stinging pain shot right at the side of my neck as if i had been bitten by a venomous snake.

"No!!" I cried out as I clutched my neck, feeling the pain burning deeper and spreading like poison. Another one stung my left cheek and spread the agonizing pain all over my face, forcing me to fall heavily on the floor.

"Stop, please. Please stop!" I pleaded, drowning in pain as I gritted my teeth, but she never stopped, and the pain went all over my body to the extent that my skin was turning bloody red while I rolled around the floor, screeching and shouting for help.

It was like I would die at that moment, as my entire body seemed to be caught on fire. I was feeling something crawl all over me, and whatever it was, it was actually gnawing at the inner part of me, sending excruciating pain that was really unbearable.

My eyes filled up with tears while I kept begging for my life. The pain wasn't reducing at all, and it was becoming hard for me to breathe. I was really dying.

"The poison has successfully spread throughout your entire veins. It is mixed with your blood now, and nothing can stop you from dying." She whispered in a taunting voice, and my eyes widened in horror. 

"Why are you killing me?" I cried out under my breath. All my strength sapped away as I noticed my eyes fluttering. They were forcing themselves to close, and I knew my heart would stop beating.

"Because you refuse to work for me. Since you're useless, it's better you die off!" She shrugged, and I shook my head vigorously.

"" I couldn't talk properly anymore. My heart beat was very slow, and blood wasn't flowing through anymore. It was like there was a blockage. My breath seized, and everything was fading away right before my eyes.

Just then, I felt someone put something inside my mouth, which I swallowed. 

Instantly, all the pain vanished, and I became well and healthy again. It was like magic as I stood up from the floor, stretching myself until I felt no trace of pain. It was as if nothing had happened earlier. My skin's redness was completely gone.

"I just gave you the antidote, and it will last for three months before you will need another one. We have three months to get rid of Ella. You have to work with me, and I will reward you with the cure for the poison." She smiled, and I nodded.

"You really have no choice but to obey me. My eyes are on you. Once you dare to betray me, I will ignite that poison again, and I promise, this time I will not let you live. Once we get rid of Ella, I promise to let you leave this pack and go far away to start a new life. You won't suffer what the demons have for them." She added, and it was like a breath of life wafted inside me.

"Promise?" I exhaled, and she nodded.


"Now what should I do?" I asked quickly, and she smiled again.

"Go and eat and rest for now. I will inform you once I arrange a better plan to end it all." Laura patted my shoulder as she spoke in a gentle manner. I nodded and hurried out, exhaling in relief the moment I left the room. It was as if my throat had been choked the entire time.

I knew I was about to betray the entire pack that saved my life. I was about to do something that would destroy my werewolf family and the Alpha, who had been so kind to me, but, as Laura said, I didn't have a choice.

It was too late to turn back, and I would not dare put my life at risk. I wouldn't allow myself to die at such an early age when I was yet to meet my mate or enjoy this life. 

After all of this ends with Ella's death, I would have the opportunity to build a new and better life, just as Laura had promised. She had everything planned and caught me off guard; now I'd gladly become her puppet over the next few months. I just hope her plans work out and Ella ends up killing herself.

She is the only one who can determine whether I live or die.

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