A2C2: On The Way

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It's still dark out, streetlights were still on. "Mom did we HAVE to wake up this early? Our flight isn't in 4 hours.." I complained to her. "The earlier the better hun. Better 10 hours early than 10 minutes late!" She lectured. I had barely slept because of my tendency to only pack up the night before a trip. I helped mom put luggage in the trunk and the front seat because she insisted she'd rather us 'Kids' sit together. I got in the car and we drove to Gwen's place. She was already out front with her luggage yawning, In a comfy loose orange sweater she stole from my place a while back over a black tanktop, dark green shorts over some tights, a green beanie, and her teal chucks she always wears out. "Hey Gwen! Hop on!" mom rolled down the window and called out to her. "Good morning maam." She weakly spoke, opening the car door and entering the car to sit beside me. "Morning to you too, Y/N." She continued, then fell onto my chest with both her arms spread out to sleep on me.

"Look at you two all cozy." mom teased from the drivers seat as she started moving, which made Gwen jolt and sit up for a sec before awkwardly laughing and laying her chin on my shoulder. "Mom don't tease her too much, she'll hate you before we even get there." I joke and we all laughed together. "Well.. You really think the city will be fine without us for the week?" Gwen whispered into my ear sounding worried. "Yeah, you shouldn't doubt your dad that much, he's got this. And what are the chances some big powerful bad comes and destroys NYC the WEEK we go on vacation?" I reassure her with my hand on her head. "Ight, if you say so Y/N" She replied and turned her whole body to rest her back on my shoulder instead. "I feel kinda underdressed looking at you Gwen." I mentioned to her, only wearing a black shirt, some chains, and black cargo pants with taxi Jordans.

"Your fault for not packing earlier" She chuckles while tilting her head up to try and see me, "Aren't you cold wearing that little?" She continued. "Well SOMEONE stole my favorite sweater. I WONDER who." I sarcastically remarked, and she laughed at it, "Sounds like a you problem to me. " She smiles and leans deeper into my shoulder trying to catch some sleep. I snuck my freezing hands on her neck making her jump from the sudden cold. "EEK!" She yelled out, "Hey! Not cool! She smiled and tried to grab my hand to place on my own neck. "Gwen stop! people are gonna wonder why the cars shaking so much!" I said laughing, while trying to fight her attacks off. She stopped attacking, then leaned her back on the car's door. "Fine then." She sulked, putting one of her legs above mine.

"So you're sulking now? Are we not gonna be talking the whole trip then?" I sarcastically asked her. She just stayed silent and looked away. "Fine suit yourself I ain't talking to you anymore." I continued. "NONONONO! I'M SORRY OKAY I'M FINE I'LL DIE OF BOREDOM WITHOUT YOU" She pleaded, sitting back up from her leaning position pulling on my hand while this time I ignored her. A few seconds went by of her just repeating "Please? Y/N? Please?" When I looked back at her into her cute begging doe eyes, and broke character, smiling. "Fine. I can't say no to those eyes." I told her as her face quickly turned from a frown to a huge smile, pulling my hand onto her chest and hugging it like a pillow. "You got a weak spot for me haven't you? Cute." She whispered again into my ears while hugging my arm.

We had fallen asleep a few minutes after that, still leaning on eachother for the whole hour it took to get to the airport. "Wake up you two! We're here!" mom yelled out, shaking us vigorously. I slowly opened my eyes we were already in the parking area. I move Gwen softly and told her we had arrived. "Shoulda unpacked a jacket out of my suitcase earlier. It's really cold. wow." I told Gwen as we walked into the airport. "Well it should be warmer inside hun, hopefully." Mom overheard me and told me.

We got our luggage checked in and found some seats to sit down and chill on. "We got like.. 2 hours before our flight what do we do?" I checked my phone for the time and asked the two. "Starbucks? Then go window shopping maybe?" Gwen answered. "You two have fun I'll just wait here." Mom took out her wallet and handed us a 30$ bill. We walked over to starbucks and got ourselves to the cashier. I got a matcha latte while she got raspberry tea. "You like matcha? didn't expect you to be a matcha kinda guy." Gwen stated right after we ordered our drinks. "Really? I always get matcha when I can though." I replied as we grabbed our drinks and I took a sip of mine.

"Lemme try yours!" She insisted, grabbing my cup away from my hands and taking a sip. "mm, that's actually really nice. I like matcha but I've never thought to order matcha most times. Wanna switch?" She continued. "No. The matcha's mine." I replied pulling my cup back from her hands, "..But you can ask to drink more if you want I guess." "Hm.. Okay I'll stick with my tea." She said softly, now drinking her tea with both hands holding onto the drink. "You know raspberry tea isn't even bad, why do you wanna swap anyway?" I asked her as we were walking back to where we sat. "I just wanted yours, Can I not? But yeah raspberry is nice. I get it all the time." She answered smiling.

"Fine. give me yours." I gave in and swapped our drinks. "Oh. Thanks!" Gwen said making a surprised face before smiling and sipping down the matcha latte. "It's soo good! Remind me to get matcha latte instead next time Y/N!" She told me. "I will.. Try to remember that." I replied. We finally reached our seats back with mom, and waited out until we were ready to start boarding.

We boarded the plane and put our seatbelts on. Not long after, the plane took off. Gwen was already sleeping like a baby, once again leaning on my shoulder. I leaned back on her and slowly passed out from just how tired I was waking up so early.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2023 ⏰

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