A1C17: Revenge

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We were surrounded. Connors had left to probably go and change the entire school into Lizards. There were maybe 10 or 15 lizard-people around us all controlled by Connors. Gwen whispered to me, "What are we supposed to do now? Any ideas?" Her shoulder hitting my back and I heard a silent click from her web-shooter. Her touch reminded me of when we were on the stakeout together. The students had shot water up in the sky and administered it into the air. "Worth a shot." I said as I grabbed Gwen's shooter already loaded with a vaccine web-bomb. "Hey what are you doing??" She asked surprised. "Just shoot the web-bomb, now!" She looked at me as if she was saying "You better know what you're doing" and shot her web bomb up into the ceiling. While she had her web bomb shot, I armed mine and shot up right after, building up a thick cloud of the vaccine falling down into the gym.

As we shot the bombs, the lizards pounced into us and we both dodged them one by one, leading to them hitting into eachother. My spider-sense warned me right as I landed, and I flipped away to dodge a tail swing from one of the Lizards. I then lunged back into a drop kick to push it into the stunned group of lizards in the middle.

The cloud of vaccine was slowly coming down and mixing with the air. Gwen was fighting two lizards and had thrown one my direction. I dodged it and zipped a web on mid-air to throw it back into the lizard pile, knocking the already standing back up lizards back down.

"It's working!" Gwen yelled out as the pile of lizards were slowly turning back into human. "Thankyou, random genius garage scientists! I owe you guys one." I said reliefed that the plan was working, while dodging a different lizard swinging their claws at me. "6 down. Another... 7 left." I ran towards Gwen still fighting 3 of the lizards, baiting a fourth one with me. Gwen saw what I was trying to do and boosted me up into a high jump from her back. I flipped up and shot another two vaccine web bombs down into the group of 4 and it exploded on impact, stunning them.

That gave some space for Gwen to knock the lizards away to heal while making more space for us both against the last three running towards us. Gwen was closer and one swung for her head, as she dodged the swing I jumped from behind, zipping into it and giving it a flying hook towards another lizard, knocking them both down. Gwen took that chance to web up the last one into the ground. I webbed the knocked ones up and we both armed our web bombs and shot at the last three. The three was slowly healing while the rest had already transformed back into their human forms.

I took off my mask after, breathing heavily from the adrenaline pumping and looked at Gwen. "How did we live through that?" I sighed in relief and held my hand up to high five her. "Because you're amazing, Y/N. You saved our asses." She replied and hit my hand hard forming a perfect loud clap. "We're not out of it yet though." I said as I was helping the victims lay down on the side of the gym to make sure they're comfortable and safe. Gwen was doing the same, "Yeah, we still got Connors to catch. No him, no more lizards." She grunted. We finished up with helping the victims and Gwen walks past me with an angry expression. I took her arm and stopped her in her tracks, "Hey, Gwen. I know he indirectly killed Peter and you want revenge but, please don't go too far. If we do, what would differ us from the villains?" I told her in a worried tone.

She looked down still in an angry stare, before looking at me and sighing. She relaxed herself and gave me a calm look, "You're right. I won't. Thankyou, Y/N. Now let's go, we have a pest to catch." She replied, holding her other hand above mine still gripper her arm. "Let's go." I replied, and we both put on our masks and ran out the gym together.

"Police radio's been pinging back at Alchemax again. Why would he want to go back there?" I said to Gwen, while we swung through the city. Passing through times square, one of the billboards was from Alchemax and I recognised some of the faces. "It's the group of garage scientists doing another showcase in Alchemax!" I yelled out to Gwen as I zoomed out beside her, "I think connors WAS there during the showcase. As himself. He's trying to do the same thing with the vaccines but.." Gwen then continued my sentence, "Instead of a cure, hes making everyone into a lizard!"

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