A1C2: Bit by a Spider

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"Not late for once?" Dr. Connors hoffed at me as I arrived early and was signing my attendance. I looked to the bus and I see both Peter and Gwen wave at me. "Hey, Y/N! I didn't know you were coming." Gwen chuckled "Thought you'd be late to hand over the form as usual." I chuckle at her "Yeah it happens, but not for this. NEVER for something like this." Peter looked at me and asked, "I didn't know you were so passionate about something like Alchemax since youre always late to class. I always thought you just didn't care about school?"

"Nah I just can't sleep sometimes, makes it hard for me to wake up and allat you know?" I responded, "Either that or I'm stuck studying physics and math all night, can't get over how fun it is." Gwen looking worried for me asked, "So you actually LIKE math? There's people who actually do? Are you okay?" She chuckles when Peter cut in, "dude you have perfect grades on math and you're telling me you DON'T like it?"

We keep bantering as we went inside the bus, and got ready for the 30 minute bus trip to Alchemax. "I am so glad Flash isn't around to ruin our time, I guess to him this is a trip for nerds." Gwen proclaimed. Peter responded with a sigh, "Yeah, I'd be scared of trouble happening every moment if he was here". 25 minutes later we arrive in front of Alchemax.

"DAMN is it big". I yelled with a wide grin. I'm actually here, The excitement envelops me as I start running towards the entrance when Dr. Connors shouted "Hey L/N! stay in line!" such a mood-kill. I reluctantly followed and walked in order with the other students as we get a tour around the whole place. A syringe that accurately injects any medicine right into the perfect spot using AI just by pressing it on a general area. Programmable matter, being able to turn into any tool when needed meant efficient surgeries. nanotech donated by THE Tony Stark for medicinal purposes.

Everything is so cool and all but I needed to separate from the group and look for pamphlets for internships or the like, maybe meet a scientist working there for a referral letter. In one of the tech explanations, everyone was distracted enough for me to slip away to go and walk around freely. There seemed to be a section where a few of the scientists are coming in and out of, so I snuck there acting like I needed the restroom if I was asked. I walked to a bunch of glass rooms with different experiments happening, and in the center was what seemed like a person inside a tank filled with some sort of liquid.

It seems like this section is focused on amputees or people without their limbs, seems like this might be the section Dr. Connors is a part of since he has been talking about ways to fix his right hand. I also saw a few lizards around in glass cages, but it was weird seeing them regrow their limbs so fast. Wonder if that has something to do with the amputee experiments? I wander deeper into the lab and it seems I have walked in a circle. I came out of the other side of the hallway where I went in originally, and while still figuring out the structure of the building, I bumped into someone accidentally.

"Oh sorry, I wasn't looking where I was walking." I apologised, but then realised it was Gwen. "Oh Y/N! What are you doing here? have you seen Peter? He saw you sneaking away and told me to stay but it was taking a while so I followed but I bumped into you instead". "Nah I didn't see Peter anywhere, any idea where he might've went?" Gwen worried "No, I hope he's not lost. Let's get back to Dr. Connors before he figures out we were gone yeah? I'm sure Peter will find his way back soon." She turned away and walked back towards our group in front of me, when suddenly I felt a surge of pain on my hand, held in my voice to not grab any unwanted attention, and slapped my hand.

"A spider?" I whispered to myself in pain, looking at the dead, white colored spider. "You coming Y/N?" Gwen asked looking back. "Yeah, yeah I'm right behind you" I replied still feeling the bite, and still creeped out by the spider. I probably need to go check on a doctor or something later, not feeling great. I felt weak and warm, I toughed it out for an hour when suddenly I felt healthy again. I guess I'm lucky that bright white color Isn't deadly. "hey what'd I miss?" Peter came out from behind me. "Where were you? Gwen told me you went after me when I sneaked away." I asked worried. "Just had to drop the BIGGEST dump in this facility, might've also forgot the time looking at tiktoks while at it haha" He answered. "Long as you're okay, go say hi to Gwen she's been looking for you." I pointed at her, and he went to her.

I guess I don't have to go check on the doctor's anymore. A few hours pass as the last of the tour is finished, we were given pamphlets and was told that they had just launched an partnered Internship program to apply to for when we graduate. SICK! Definitely gonna apply when I am able. Nothing much happened OTW back home, I said my goodbyes to Gwen and Peter and got back home. Mom wasn't home, guess she's out dating again. Well if anyone deserves to be happy it's her. It was late so I changed and laid on the bed, holding up the pamphlet from Alchemax. "Soon." I drifted off to sleep.


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