A1C1: Prologue

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My name is Y/N L/N. I'm just a regular student attending midtown high. Very boring I know, until one day I wasn't just a regular student anymore. Lets start from the very beginning.

"Hey you're late again, L/N." Dr. Connors, our science teacher, called when I tried sneaking into the classroom 10 minutes after it's started. "Sorry Dr. Connors, my uh.. dog ate my homework?" I replied, the whole class laughed but that seemed to have annoyed Dr. Connors. "Alright whatever, LAST warning, next time I'll send you to the principals office, got it?" he exclaimed in an angry tone. "Yes sir." I grabbed my seat and focused up.

"As I was saying, we are going to go on a field trip tomorrow to Alchemax, a VERY rare chance for anyone let alone students. So for those of you who hasn't signed up for it yet, I implore you to." Dr. Connors continued explaining to the class before continuing with the lesson. About an hour later, the bell rang and it was time for lunch. Coming out of the classroom I hear a loud bang. "Give me your lunch money, Parker!" Seems like Flash Thompson is looking for trouble again, poor Peter Parker, maybe I should help I thought to myself but before I could even step towards them, A blonde girl pushes him back. "Push him again, Flash. See what happens."

It was Gwen Stacy. It's really good that he has friends that protects him. I walk over and helped Peter up while Flash walked away. "You okay man? that bang was loud." I asked Peter. "Yeah man thanks for the help, you too Gwen, you didn't have to do that," Peter replied. Gwen looked back and patted Peter up. "Long as you're okay Pete. Don't worry about it". "You've GOT to start fighting back man, or he'll keep bothering you, But if he ever tries anything again, we're in the same class so don't hesitate to call me," I told Peter. "For sure, thanks for the help again, Y/N." He replied as Gwen Stacy looks at me, "Yeah thanks! Lets beat up Flash together sometime." She chuckles as they started walking towards the dining hall.

I don't really have friends. I just float around groups and hang with everyone, but because of that I'm not really able to have longer-term friends. I head to my locker, the reason I went out of the classroom in the first place, and grabbed a piece of paper to sign up for the field trip for tomorrow. "Alchemax.. I HAVE to go, I can't do it any later, I know I'd just forget." I whisper to myself.

Alchemax. A mega-corporation who's invented amazing new tech, and scientific breakthroughs. The future of medicine, tech, even household tools. I've always been so intrigued by them and I hope to get a job there someday. Maybe I could get some Ins on an internship for them when I graduate. Either way I need to at least go and see the place myself, a very much one-in-a-lifetime chance to do it unless you work there. I filled the field trip form and walked over to Dr. Connors's Office

"Connors? he's not here. I'll make sure I get this to him then." A TA sitting in the empty office took my form for me, wonder where he is? Whatever. Right now I'm locked in to going to Alchemax tomorrow and that is what's important right now. Time passed quickly as I hadn't anyone to really hang out with throughout our breaks, while also being anxious and excited about the field trip tomorrow. Classes soon ended and I went back home.

"Hey mom, I handed over the field trip form for tomorrow, I am really excited." "FINALLY! I signed that form 2 weeks ago, Y/N!" She sighs. "I know you've been so excited to go to Alchemax for YEARS now, why are you so forgetful, son?" "I honestly don't know. Was dad this forgetful?" I said abit curious. Her smile faded alittle, "Honestly I don't remember anymore, it's been 10 years since we lost him. Maybe you got it from me?" She chuckles uncomfortably. "Sorry for bringing him up mom." I backed up. "It's okay, Y/N. It's good to keep him remembered."

I went up to my room, dropped my backpack, and changed out of my uniform. While changing I saw a picture of me, dad and mom together. I was 6 when he died, wish I could remember more of him, I barely do. I finish changing and did some homework then watched some tiktoks before going to bed. Alot about some.. Submarine?


Cindy Moon was finishing up working on some very dangerous spiders. 8 of them in fact. She was giving these spiders waves of radiation using small nuclear reactors. As she signed off the lab, she unknowingly left one of the spiders cages slightly open, enough for the spider to push the door open and crawl away...


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