A1C7: On top of the Bridge

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I arrived home, entered my room through the window and changed out of my suit. Suddenly while I was in my underwear, my bedroom door had opened. "Woah! hey! I didn't notice that you were home already Y/N!" It was my mom, "I made dinner, I was just about to call and ask you when you were getting back home." I quickly changed into something decent and respond to her, "Yeah I just got home not too long ago, I'll come down for dinner in a bit." "Alright sweetie, I'll be waiting for you." She replied. "Oh and mom? please knock the door next time? I'm not a kid anymore, I need some privacy." I added. "Okay sweetie, I'll keep that in mind" She gives a lil wink before leaving my room and shutting the door.

I locked the door right after, and threw myself onto my bed. "Gwen's Spider-Woman huh?" I whispered under my breath, "That's crazy." I grabbed my phone, and looked at Gwen's contact. Should I text her? I think to myself. nah, we'll meet up tomorrow in school anyway. I got up my bed after that, unlocked my door, and went down to eat dinner with mom. We had some really good creamy mushroom pasta for dinner. She must've watched some youtube video or something for this.

The Next Day

The bell rung and school was over. It has kind of been awkward since between me and Gwen. I'm walking out of school when I felt a tug on my shoulder. "Hey, over here. Let's go somewhere quiet?" It was Gwen, linking her arm around mine. "Yeah you got a spot?" I asked her.

She just smiled and pulled me by my hand, leading me behind the school building, and proceeded to unbutton her uniform. "Hey! dude what are you doing?" I looked away embarrassed. "Chill, I got my suit under it already. You don't?" She giggled, "Come on, change already." I looked back at her already in her full suit with her backpack webbed up onto the wall. "OK I will, gimme a sec." I took my shirt off over my head, and when I did I saw Gwen was looking away, and her ears looked red. "What's wrong Gwen?" I asked her and she replied, "No it's- nothing's wrong Y/N, don't worry about it."

"huh? ok?" confused I continued taking my pants off facing the wall and started putting on my suit. "I'm done, why do we have to be in our suits again?" Gwen looked back towards me, still abit red, "Just come and follow me, you'll find out soon." She smiled innocently back at me again as she jumped off and swung out. I followed right behind her and kept myself close.

"So any clues of where were going? Or do I gotta go in blind?" I asked Gwen loudly mid swing. "I'd LOVE to tell you but it would spoil the surprise! Be patient, you'll love it!" She returned. We kept swinging for a good few more minutes until we reached the Brooklyn Bridge, and she sat right on top of the tallest tip of it, I landed on there right after. Standing in front of a beautiful sea-side view, the reflection of the sun on the water almost blinding. "Wow." I gasped under my breath. "Wow indeed. I swung past here once and thought it was a good idea to sit there when I don't feel safe at home. My dad still thinks I killed my best friend after all.." Gwen told me before sitting down on the edge. "Yeah it's wonderful. How peaceful it is here with the distant sounds of the water crashing." I returned to her, sitting down right next to her and took my mask off. She took her mask off right after and we sat in silence for a few minutes enjoying the scenery and presence together.

 She took her mask off right after and we sat in silence for a few minutes enjoying the scenery and presence together

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"Spider-Woman huh?" I looked at Gwen and continued "It's really cool what you do. I was inspired to do this because of you yknow?" She chuckled, "Really? I didn't know what I was doing could even have that effect. I'm glad."

"So how'd you get bit anyway?" I asked. "So, remember when I bumped into you in Alchemax looking for Peter? I got bit right before I saw you. I was looking around near the hallway you exited from when a spider had bit my neck. Honestly made me sick for a good few hours." She replied. I responded, "You got sick too? Now that I think about it I got bit right after bumping into you too. Then it might've been the same spider that bit us huh?"

She looked sad, and said "So you getting bit might have been my fault.. I'm sorry for that. But honestly I'm really happy that I'm not the only one, and that I get to talk about all this." "No, Gwen, it wasn't your fault. How would you have known? Same thing with Peter, you didn't know it was him." I reassured her. "Maybe you're right. Thanks Y/N. Ever since Peter died, I didn't really have a best friend anymore, even Harry's gone to who knows where right now, and even my dad thinks I'm a murderer. as close as I am to you and Liz, I couldn't tell you guys about me, about Spider-Woman. So I just felt so.. alone." She told me in a troubled voice.

"Well, I want you to know that I'm here now, and that we can deal with this together. You don't have to be alone anymore." I pulled her shoulders onto me and let her lean on mine. "Thankyou, Y/N. I'm really glad we get to talk like this." She leans into my shoulders and cried into my arms. We stayed like that for a couple more hours, just enjoying the peacefulness together.


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