A1C12: Change of heart

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Our phone alarms went off at the same time. Once again sunlight flooding into the room and we were in eachothers arms. We woke up, took turns in the shower, and left to swing by my place to grab my school uniform. It doesn't seem like Gwen's dad was home, He went out earlier than we could wake up for school. Wonder what's the rush? We reached school, once again changing back into our uniform behind the building before walking out and into the school like normal.

"Thanks for staying over, Y/N. It means alot to me. I'll see you at lunch break!" Gwen whispered into my ear, and waved bye at me. I just waved back, "Anytime gwendy." I whispered back before she seperated and went to her own class. I went ahead to my own but bumped into flash, "Hey! watch where you're going man." He shouted at me then turned around to look at me, "Oh sh- my bad Y/N. Didn't mean to be rude." He apologised and walked up towards me, "You been ok since uh.. you know? Peter?" He asked, sounding genuinely worried for me.

I didn't know Flash Thompson of all people had this side to him. "Yeah man, thanks for asking." I replied. Flash hadn't really been bothering us since Peter died, or rather he had been avoiding us alot. Seems like he just felt bad about it. "Sorry for all the trouble I put you guys through man. I'm not gonna lie, I miss the nerd, and I wish I treated him better than I did." He continued. I was quite surprised at him for saying all that, "Yeah man, It's been rough on all of us. I'm sure Peter would have loved to be friends with you instead. Maybe stay away from Gwen for now though, I think she still hates you for making Peter feel weak." I mentioned, and Flash just looked down, guilty, and held onto my shoulder, "I'll keep that in mind, on the other hand if you need anyone to talk to I gotchu. See ya Y/N."

I was honestly still angry at him, but his apologies really caught me off guard. I feel like maybe flash isn't as bad as we thought after all. We started class, a few hours went by and it was finally lunch break. I walked over to Liz and Gwen sitting down on our usual spot and waved them hello. "Hey, Y/N." Gwen greeted right as I sat down, "So we were talking about how cool it would be if there were other insect-based superheroes. Like Mosquito-Man or Bee-Bro you know?" Liz recapped to me. "I don't know Liz. To me it just sounds creepy as hell, imagine a Centipede-Man, what would his powers be? crawl under my skin?" I chuckled and we laughed about it.

We kept talking until we finished our lunch, then I mentioned to Gwen about how I bumped into Flash. "No. Y/N. Why would I forgive the person directly responsible for Peter ending up like that?" She whispered into my ear making sure Liz doesn't hear her. "I don't know, He seems like hes a much better person than we think he is, or rather at least he's changed his ways somewhat. We should give him a chance-" I replied when Gwen cut me off, "No Y/N. Never. Not Flash."

I just nodded my head and backed off, "Okay yeah, got it." "Maybe it's alittle too soon, I'm sure she'll turn around at some point." Liz whispered to me right after before they both walked back towards their own classes again. I took a final sip of my box of apple juice, then went back to continue my classes for the day.

We were done with classes, and as usual me and Gwen "walked" home together while Liz seperated from us towards the other way. We said our goodbyes then not long later reached my place. We went in through the door for once and turns out my mom was home, "Hey sweetie, oh! You brought a friend with you. Gwen right?" She held her hand out to shake, Gwen immediately took her hand, "Nice to meet you Mrs. L/N. How did you know my name?" Mom then had a small smirk on her face before replying, "You're the police captain's daughter, how could I not know you. Thanks for your father's service."

"Oh, I'll be sure to pass that onto my dad then!" Gwen responded, but mom continued, "No need for that, don't worry. Anyway you kids want some apple pie? I just got some from a place a few blocks away from here." We both nodded and took a small box of pie, "I'll be upstairs mom." I told her and walked Gwen up to my bedroom. "I'll leave you two alone but don't do anything risky up there alright?"

Embarrassed I just went into my room, pulled Gwen inside and locked my door behind her and sighed, "Sorry about my mom Gwen." She just chuckled, "It's alright." and sat down on my bed. I went to my laptop and turned it on, and it was getting really loud with notifications. "What's up Y/N? Everything okay?" Gwen asked me, walking up from the bed to beside me. "No. I don't think it is. Hospital Alerts, Police Dispatches, Sightings of the Lizard. What's happening?"

We checked our phones for any news and turns out theres a viral video going around of the Lizard climbing on buildings in Times Square and Spreading some sort of gas around. The original poster is now in the ER, with rough green rashes all around his body. "This is bad. Really bad. I think the Lizard is trying to turn everyone into him." I mentioned to Gwen and looked at her. "We gotta go. Now." She replied, taking her uniform off, and putting her mask on. I grabbed our new and improved Web-Shooters from my bag and put on my mask, Swinging right behind her towards Central Park where a sighting from 10 minutes ago was.


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