Summary Of How My Life Became A Living Hell

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This is the story of how one human girl met a certain winter spirit, and how her life was changed forever.

And yes, that girl is me.

I am telling you this because I want to tell the tale of how I met my childhood heroes, the Guardians of Childhood-more recently known as just The Guardians. That's right, your favorites-Santa Claus, Tooth Fairy, Easter Bunny, Sandman, and most importantly Jack Frost. Of course, I did encounter the villain, Pitch Black, sometimes called The Nightmare King or The Boogeyman, but I guess I am getting a little ahead of the story.

My name is Arabella de Moray. My father was Spanish, hence the name. I have really pale skin, almost the color of snow, and my hair is so dark it looks black. My eyes are so dark you can't see the pupils, which creeps people out for some reason.

I live in Burgess, Pennsylvania-hometown of Jack Frost, I came to find out. I had a happy childhood, I think-I played soccer, I remember, as a kid. And when I played outside during the winter, I somehow always managed never to slip on ice or trip and fall onto the snow or even crash into the chilly waters of a frozen lake where the ice was too thin, like I had seem some kids do.

Then, when I was thirteen, I was sitting at the front of my schoolbus when my bus skidded on the slippery street after a cold winter rain, flipping the bus, and then we crashed into the side of an abandoned building. Three of the kids died, most of them were injured, and the bus driver crashed through the windshield and cracked his head open like an egg, spilling blood and brains onto the wreckage. I went flying through the windshield as well,  but something somehow slowed my fall, but my head still hit the street and I fell into a comatose state.

My mother and my father moved to a small house closer to the city so they could be near me and closer to the hospital. I stayed in a coma for three straight years.

During that time, I had dreams, and I had nightmares.

My dreams seemed more like memories than dreams, however. I would dream that I was crashing through the windshield, and I saw the concrete coming closer and closer at an impossibly fast rate, and then an ice-cold hand grabbed my arm. I would look up, and I saw a boy with white hair, looking at me worriedly. I couldn't really see his face, but I knew his eyes were blue, and his hair was as white as snow. Somehow, his cold grip slipped, and I remember reaching out for him, my warm fingers brushing his impossibly cold ones, and then everything would go black.

The other dreams would be of the same boy, but I would see my body in the hospital bed, machines beeping and humming all around me and tubes in my arms, and the boy would be hovering over me, a weird staff in his hand, and his free hand would sometimes be lightly brushing my hair from my closed eyes. I would see the mystery boy sometimes sitting in a chair near by bed, just watching me, his expression sad. I would want to speak to him, open my eyes, say anything so he would stop looking so sad, but I couldn't open my mouth and I couldn't get my eyes to open, so I would have to look at those sad blue eyes and be helpless.

The nightmares would sometimes interrupt these dreams, however, and they were terrifying.

My dream would go away, only to be replaced by inky blackness. I would then hear a dark chuckling, and sometimes horses neighing and grunting in the background. The chuckling would grow into laughter, evil laughter, and it would grow so loud that I would cover my ears and open my mouth to scream loudly to drown out the laughter, but no sound came out of my open mouth. Then I would hear an accented voice, each sentence coming from a different direction in the darkness, and yet I could not see who the person was. "What if you stayed this way, Arabella? What if you stayed asleep, your young spirit having to watch your body wither and decay forever in that bed?" The voice would say, and then the person would laugh again. Then the person would finally show itself-a tall, dark man with gray skin and golden eyes, his smile of pure evil. The smile would send shivers down my spine. "Oh, the things I could do with you, forever asleep..." He would say, and I would cower away from him, and the nightmare would dissipate, his laughter echoing in my head.

I Can See You (A Jack Frost Love Story/Rise of the Guardians Tale)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu