Phantom - Two Ghoul Guitar*

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Neutral Reader
Saw video on twitter immediately took off to write about it. Also big clarification that I'm writing about the ghoul character not the actual person.

Also just saw a vid of aether playing rains bass the same way and then Sodo going over and holding the frets i think I'm going insane
(Sorry if this is a bit jumpy I didn't want to focus on boring parts)

"There, flaunt your pretty necklace," I grinned, lowering Phantoms guitar strap to rest comfortably over his shoulder. We had a routine before every show, I'd collect his guitar and he'd collect mine - that way we'd ensure we'd see each other just before the show starts. We'd never had a show where we had collected our own guitars. It was an unspoken rule between us. As he lowered mine down on me, he gave it a tug, bringing me forwards. One of his hands moved between our guitars so they didn't clash, the other wrapped around me in a hug.
"Good luck," he pulled back and smiled, a slight crease in his balaclava.

Some of the crew started to shepard us onto the stage, making us take our positions. I took my place on my platform, straightening my microphone stand slightly. I readied a breath, and as the curtain dropped a wave of adrenaline coursed through me.

About halfway through the show, Sodo placed himself on my platform. His hands moved almost mesmerisingly as he played his guitar, his movements aggressive yet steady. I'd already placed my guitar down behind me, dancing with a tambourine instead. He moved in sync with my own movements, even taking out a shaker from my mic stand and mimicking my moves into the microphone to sing. Usually Phantom would've come up to my platform at this moment instead of Sodo, but from the eye contact between the two I could tell the fire ghoul had beat him to it. Phantom didn't look happy, but instead of holding onto that anger, he chose to entertain the audience with it. He pointed to Sodo, then pointed to the ground, telling him to move away. He received a curt shake of the head in return. Then he continued to make actions of disapproval to the ghoul, only getting taunted as a response. Sodo started to lean back into me, playing a high note on his guitar. I felt the platform shake a little as the sound was cut off, the taller ghoul now standing in his spot. Phantom had shoved Sodo off my stage. He covered my microphone, leaning over and whispering a few words.
"Don't let him do that again," his voice low, growling almost. Was he jealous? Oh dear satan he was. I couldn't hold back a slight giggle at his words as he left, Sodo starting up the next song and interrupting Papa.

I didn't know Phantom could get jealous. He didn't seem like the type. We weren't even together, which only made me more confused. Was he jealous that Sodo had stolen his moment or was he jealous of what Sodo was doing with me? Whatever it was, it was becoming more obvious the more I thought about it. He always hated it when I communicated with the other ghouls on stage, especially since the crowd gave everyone a bunch of confidence. He needed to relax a little, he just didn't seem to understand that he was the only ghoul I loved.

I watched his back as he played, posing for cameras and making his guitar-playing more complicated for himself. He threw a plectrum out into the crowd, swiftly realising there were no more in his pockets and he was nowhere near a mic stand to pick up more before he had to start playing again. It gave me sudden flashbacks to the time Sodo played without his pick, a bright white guitar covered in swipes of blood. Sure Phantom could probably get another pick way before his fingers could even start bleeding, but seeing how hard he was strumming chords? I was concerned. I held one of my own picks in my hand, hopping off my platform and jogging up behind him, entering the spotlight that was shining down onto him.

Because he was so close to the edge of the stage, just giving him the pick seemed boring. I reached around him, slapping his hand out of the way and strumming his guitar with my pick, his other hand still holding down chords. My mask pressed against his back as I did so, him easily accepting what I was doing, the crowd cheering and several phone cameras flashing at us. It was a good thing I knew most of the ghouls guitar parts. He started to lean back as I played, his head leaning on my shoulder, his lips moving to the side of my neck. Though a balaclava covered his lips, I could tell very clearly that he was kissing me. My face warmed, a blush rising to my cheeks. Was this just for show? Or was it more? His guitar part was coming to an end - so knowing I'd have to leave him soon, I leaned forwards, pulling down the cloth of his mask slightly to place a kiss on his lips. He was leaning back so his grey skin wasn't too visible to the audience, but I sort of zoned out in the moment and forgot we were in front of a whole crowd anyway. my hand was still playing the strings to the rhythm, yet my mind was somewhere else. His lips softly moved against mine before we parted and he quickly pulled up his mask, muting the strings. Before he could whisper anything else to me I placed my pick into his hand and walked off backwards, disappearing back into the shadows.

His gaze followed me before it was forced back onto his guitar. As I skipped back to my platform I couldn't help but reach up and touch my lips, the lips I kissed him with. I'd definitely left some makeup on him, the stuff that Swiss and I use comes off on practically anything so easily. I squeezed my fingers into my palms as I thought about what I'd say to him after the show. I kissed him. He kissed me back. Thats definitely something you talk about, it was too much just to be an act. As i steadied, I grabbed onto my mic stand to ground myself. I couldn't let it cloud my thoughts right now, I had to focus. And just like that, Swiss was on my platform, bringing me back to reality and dancing with me. Were they all just trying to wind Phantom up?

When the show was finished, we'd taken our bows and Papa was saying his last few words to the crowd, Phantom took me by the hand as we walked off stage, making sure I specifically left with him. He walked with a rush about him, not a word coming out of his mouth. We made it to the changing rooms way before the other ghouls due to the speed he had taken to rush us there.
"Wh- is something wrong?" I blinked a few times, surprised by how fast he had made my legs move. Was he mad? Maybe I really shouldn't have kissed him. I must've got the wrong message. He still didn't speak, just shaking his head as his fingers fumbled against his mask as he took it off. Then he swiftly moved to me, lifting off my mask and pushing me to a wall before pulling down his balaclava and kissing me passionately. A kiss we definitely couldn't have done on stage. Our lips moved rhythmically, hastily. He'd definitely been waiting to do this since I had given him such a short kiss. Here I was thinking he was mad.

He pulled his lips away from mine, though they remained only inches apart. Our breaths mingled and my heart pounded at his proximity.
"You drive me insane. you know that, right?" He breathed out. I grinned at his words with a slight nod. Before i could say anything, the door opened and in walked the rest of the ghouls. Swiss and Sodo looked straight at us, the others ignored us. We didn't move, enjoying each others close presence before we were quickly wrenched apart by the two.
"Papas not going to be happy," Swiss chuckled, arms gently wrapped around my neck, elbows leaning on my shoulders as he waddled me backwards. Sodo wrapped his tail around Phantoms leg, knocking the ghoul to the floor. He had the air knocked out of him and was wheezing quite a bit.
"Not only did you do all that on stage, you had someone else playing for you. Maybe Y/n should take your job if you can't keep a pick?" Sodo mocked him
"I saw you run out of picks and play with your fingers minutes after that hap-" Phantom was interrupted by the fire ghoul placing his foot onto his stomach, adding some weight to it and making phantom wheeze even more.
"Come on, let's go before papa arrives," Swiss held his arms tighter around me, now just hugging me. As he started to walk backwards with me again, phantom reached out for me from under Sodo's boot. It gave me a proper glimpse of his face, black makeup smudged across his lips. There was no way of him denying our kiss. I reached out for him too, still getting pulled back, but I didn't fight my way out of Swiss' grip. At least this gives me time to hide while Papa scolds him.

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